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Hanner tymor Mai ym Mhlas Newydd | May half term at Plas Newydd

Dewch i Blas Newydd ar gyfer hanner tymor llawn hwyl! Boed hi’n dywydd braf neu’r bwrw glaw, mae ‘na ddigon i'r teulu cyfan!| Come to Plas Newydd for a fun half term! Whether it's sunny or it's raining, there's plenty to do for the whole family!

  • Booking not needed
  • Free event (admission applies)

Mae’r dirwedd ym Mhlas Newydd yn cynnwys 40 erw o ardd a 129 erw o goetir a pharcdir, a gyda golygfeydd anhygoel ar draws y Fenai dyma’r lle delfrydol ar gyfer antur hanner tymor. Dewch i greu atgofion gyda'ch gilydd wrth i chi chwarae yn y Maes Chwarae yng Nghoed y Llaeth. Wedi hynny, ewch i’r tŷ coeden, chwiliwch am wiwerod coch, neu ewch i gystadlu mewn gêm o Frisbee Golf. Os bydd glaw Cymru yn bwrw lawr, dewch i’r tŷ wrth i chi ddarganfod y dirgelion sydd wedi’u cuddio ym murlun 58 troedfedd enwog Rex Whistler, neu ymlaciwch gyda gweithgareddau braslunio neu gemau bwrdd yn yr Octagon.

Ar ddiwrnodau penodol, ymunwch â ni ar gyfer Môn Actif a Gwenynwyr Môn. Mae rhagor o wybodaeth ar gael ar y dudalen digwyddiadau.


The landscape at Plas Newydd is made up of 40 acres of garden and 129 acres of woodland and parkland, and with amazing views across the Menai Strait it's the ideal place for a half term adventure. Make family memories together as you play in the Playground in Dairy Woods . Afterwards, visit the treehouse, spot red squirrels, or get competitive in a game of Frisbee Golf. If the Welsh rain prevails, head into the house and uncover the mysteries hidden in Rex Whistler's famous 58-foot mural, or relaxing as you get creative with sketching activities or board games in the Octagon.

On selected days, join us for Môn Actif and the Anglesey Beekeepers. More information is available on the events page.



Event ticket prices

This event is free, but normal admission charges apply for the venue.

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Upcoming events


Parkrun iau | Junior parkrun 

Os ydych eisiau cyfarfod ffrindiau newydd, neu rhoi cynnig ar rywbeth gwahanol, gallai Parkrun Iau fod yr union beth i chi. | Whether you want meet new friends, or want to try something different, Junior Parkrun could be just the thing for you.

Event summary

2 Jun 2024 to 26 Apr 2026
09:00 to 10:30
+ 99 other dates or times

Cyfarfod Cymdeithas Gwenynwyr Môn | Meet Anglesey Beekeeping Association 

Dysgwch bopeth am gadw gwenyn a sut i gadw gardd sy'n gyfeillgar i wenyn. Learn all about beekeeping and how to keep a bee-friendly garden.

Event summary

2 Jun 2024
11:00 to 15:30

Mynd am Dro yn y Ddôl ym Mhlas Newydd | Meadow Walks at Plas Newydd 

Dewch am dro yn y ddôl i ddysgu mwy am hanes a phwysigrwydd y dolydd ym Mhlas Newydd. | Join us on a guided walk next Thursday to learn about the history and importance of meadows at Plas Newydd.

Event summary

6 Jun to 27 Jun 2024
11:30 to 12:30
+ 7 other dates or times

Haf o Hwyl ym Mhlas Newydd | Summer of Play at Plas Newydd 

Ydych chi'n barod i gael eich ysbrydoli a gadael i'ch dychymyg redeg yn wyllt? | Are you ready to be inspired and let your imagination run wild?

Event summary

20 Jul to 1 Sep 2024
10:30 to 16:00
+ 43 other dates or times