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Pink flowers on a rhododendron bush with Nymans house in the backgroud.
Rhododendron 'Hinomayo' flowering at Nymans | © Laurence Perry

Gardens in Sussex

Beautiful gardens are found all over Sussex. The romantic gardens at Nymans and Bateman's; and Capability Brown landscapes at Sheffield Park and Petworth are all yours to explore.

Spring gardens in Sussex

From waxy magnolias to swathes of cheerful daffodils, here are the best spring moments in Sussex that we've all been waiting for.

Purple wisteria in bloom and flowering over the pergola on the croquet lawn

Spring at Nymans 

The Wall Garden at Nymans is brim-full of spring bulbs and blossom, around the centrepiece of the Italianate marble fountain. It’s a touch of heaven after the long winter, to take in the spring blossom and catch magnolias in flower. Later on in May, it’s the turn of the tall purple alliums in the borders to take centre stage, matched only by dusky mauve wisteria, tumbling on the pergolas and rare rhododendrons and azaleas.

The Cascade Bridge at Sheffield Park East Sussex

Spring at Sheffield Park and Garden 

With its shimmering sweeps of lake, woodlands glowing with bluebells, bustling rhododendrons and a vast parkland you can lose yourself in, Sheffield Park is the perfect spot to energise in spring. Walk Wood reopens in April and May to allow visitors to wander this hugely popular and tranquil spot, filled with bluebells.

National Trust Images / John Miller

Spring at Standen 

Banks of jewel-like daffodils, camassias, fritillaries and other spring bulbs flower in the garden at Standen from March to May. There are beautiful views, across swathes of daffodils, of the Arts & Crafts design of the house. Some of the finest trees at Standen are the large espalier apple trees in the lower Kitchen Garden. The bluebells in Rockinghill Wood at Standen are spectacular in late April.

The rotunda and daffodils in the park at Petworth House, West Sussex

The Pleasure Garden at Petworth House 

Find out what to see in the garden at Petworth House. From the peaceful woodland walk to the impressive Doric Temple, there's much to take in during a stroll.

A view of the ornamental fountain, church and south front of Woolbeding House (not National Trust) at Woolbeding Gardens, West Sussex

Things to see and do at Woolbeding Gardens 

Explore the 26-acre garden and see the garden rooms, classical Tulip Folly, ruined abbey, gothic summerhouse, river-god grotto and the new Silk Route garden and glasshouse.

Dahlias in the garden at Monk's House, East Sussex

Discover the garden at Monk’s House 

Tucked behind the house, the cottage garden is packed full of perennial borders with brick paths weaving throughout, a productive orchard, and climbers trailing across flint walls.

Poppies and other flowers are seen growing in the garden at Alfriston Clergy House East Sussex

The garden at Alfriston Clergy House 

Discover a classic cottage garden with perennial borders, topiary and an orchard. This compact, peaceful garden is a great place to unwind and relax at any time of year.

Landscape-designed gardens in Sussex

Discover the top Sussex gardens designed or influenced by Lancelot 'Capability' Brown or Humphry Repton.

Rhododendrons at Sheffield Park and Garden

The garden at Sheffield Park and Garden 

Explore a horticultural work of art at Sheffield Park in East Sussex, formed through centuries of landscape design, famed for its autumn colour but beautiful in every season.

The Ionic Rotunda in the Pleasure Garden at Petworth House, West Sussex, with green lawn and avenue of trees

The Pleasure Garden at Petworth 

Petworth’s Pleasure Grounds and majestic deer park are one of ‘Capability’ Brown’s finest unspoilt landscapes, full of vistas and impressive features such as the Doric Temple and woodland walk.

Summer gardens in Sussex

Traditional roses give way to packed borders and delicate wildflower meadows through the season.

Rose flowers, trees and a sandstone house with clear sky in summer


Nestled in the High Weald just over the Kent border, this 12-acre garden includes a river, wildflower meadow, watermill, orchard, lily pond and formal rose garden. Summer highlights for Len Bernamont, Garden & Outdoors Manager, include the many borders. “They’re a riot of colour in summer” he says. “Don’t miss the stunning Delphiniums and Rosa Blue for You”. Author Rudyard Kipling designed the beautiful rose garden and lily pond himself, and the roses here flower all season long. Len adds, “Our vegetable planting starts to come to fruition at this time of year too. Look out for our giant Globo onions and colourful squashes, much of which is used in the tearoom”.

All gardens in Sussex

    House reflected in the mill pond at Bateman's, East Sussex

    Discover more in Sussex

    Sussex is a place of iconic coastline, gardens, literary greats, rolling South Downs, vast art collections and a castle.