03 March 2025
Flood Management above Windermere
We’re working with the rangers around Windermere this summer on a Natural Flood Management (NFM) project at Common Farm and High Lickbarrow. NFM is all about increasing the amount of water which can be stored upstream of flood risk areas, and slowing the flow of that water into the main rivers.
We’ll be creating ponds and wetlands to slow the flow into Mill Beck, which flooded part of Windermere town in 2015. The work will also increase biodiversity, creating new habitats and supporting the High Lickbarrow Mire SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest), and, once established, acting as sources of drinking water for the cattle.
We’ll be holding a couple of drop-in days next week on site. Come visit us at Common Farm on Wednesday 12th (4-6pm) or at High Lickbarrow on Saturday 15th (10am-12pm) to find out more.