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Find Out: Trees at Shugborough

Join our knowledgeable ranger team on a walk around Shugborough's parkland and woodland.

  • Booking essential
  • Free event (admission applies)

Learn how our ranger team look after and manage trees in the landscape, including conversation about veteran trees, planting, and safety.



Event ticket prices

This event is free, but normal admission charges apply for the venue.

Check admission prices

The basics

Booking details

Call 0344 249 1895


This event is family friendly, although more suited towards adults.

Meeting point

Please meet at Visitor Reception

What to bring and wear

Suitable footwear for walking outdoors, suitable clothing for the weather.


The walk will be on a mix of tarmac road, woodland paths, and across field walking. The walk is approximately 2.7km long with a roughly 40m hill to walk up over a distance of about 500m. The ground will be uneven in places.

Contact info

Shugborough Estate

Upcoming events


Find Out: Folklore 

Join our ranger team on a walking talk around the gardens and grounds here at Shugborough learning about tales of Folklore, myth and tradition.

Event summary

5 Oct to 30 Oct 2024
14:00 to 15:30
+ 6 other dates or times

Head Gardener Walking Talks 

Join Shugborough's Head Gardener on a walking talk of the Walled Garden.

Event summary

8 Oct to 5 Nov 2024
14:00 to 15:00
+ 1 other date or time

Gardener Jim's Pumpkin Trail 

Gardener Jim has lost his pumpkins, where has he put them! Can you help him find them throughout the walled garden and farm?

Event summary

19 Oct to 3 Nov 2024
09:00 to 16:00
+ 15 other dates or times

Get closer to nature: Make a bug hotel 

Help out the creepy crawlies in your back garden by crafting a bug hotel.

Event summary

28 Oct to 2 Nov 2024
14:00 to 15:00
+ 3 other dates or times