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View of a summer border filled with pink blooming roses, looking towards the stone temple facade at the Courts Garden, Wiltshire
View along the Temple Borders, towards the Temple at the Courts Garden, Wiltshire | © National Trust Images/Andrew Butler

Gardens and parks

There are hundreds of gardens and parks you can visit throughout the year. Discover kitchen gardens, orchards and acres of parkland.

Garden features and displays

Visitors in the Formal Garden at Bodnant Garden, Conwy, Wales

Best places to see rose gardens 

Find the best displays of roses at the places in our care, from formal rose gardens to Italianate terraces.

Visitors being photographed next to flowering Rhododendron at Bodnant Garden, Conwy, Wales

Secret gardens to explore 

Find out which of the gardens we care for have their own 'secret' gardens hidden within them. Search for a bear's hut and hunt for statues as you explore.

Visitors admiring the rhododendron blossoms in the Rock Garden at Cragside, Northumberland

Famous gardens in our care 

We care for hundreds of historic gardens, encompassing more than 500 years of history and a range of garden styles and fashions. Learn about the most famous and significant gardens you can visit.

Fallow deer grazing in the parkland in July at Dunham Massey, Cheshire

Top parklands to explore 

Discover wildlife, woods and wide open spaces when you visit one of these impressive parklands. Walk, cycle, picnic, play or simply relax in nature.   

Gardens and parks

    Visitors exploring the sand dunes and the woodland at Formby, Liverpool

    Where will you visit next?

    Discover lots of gardens, historic houses, days out at the coast and more.