Start your journey of discovery
Delve into history, get tips from our experts, learn a new skill and go behind the scenes of your favourite places.
Get closer to nature with our guides on ancient trees, spotting wildlife and identifying birdsong. Have a go at forest bathing, rock pooling or learn about wild flowers, plus much more.
Whether you’re intrigued by woodland giants or want to learn more about colourful wild flowers, explore the world of trees and plants.
Blossom is popping up all over the place, but do you know your damson from your blackthorn? Find out how to spot different types of blossom in your local area with our blossom-spotting guide.
Explore the stories behind some famous British wild flowers and how wildflower meadows support important species from butterflies to bees.
Discover how the native British bluebell differs from the Spanish variety, and find out how this wild flower has been used in medicines and inspired storytellers for centuries.
Learn how to identify trees from their leaves, bark and shape, how to tell similar species apart and how they change as they get older.
There’s such a range of wildlife to discover wherever you are. Learn more about what you can spot this season and the places that wildlife calls home.
There are more than 600 known bird species in the UK and their calls are an important clue when bird spotting. Listen to our selection of distinctive birdsongs to get you started.
Learn how to spot butterflies without scaring them away, and find out what types of plants will attract them to your garden.
Find out how the changing seasons affect the birds you’ll see out and about, with spotting tips and photo galleries to guide you.
Dragonfly and damselfly numbers have been changing in recent years. Find out about the threats to their populations, how to spot them and the difference between dragonflies and damselflies.
Discover pockets of ocean life in a rock pool, learn how to identify common fossils at the coast or even record your favourite coastal sounds.
Do you know your ammonites from your devil’s toenails? Discover how to identify some of the fossils commonly found around the UK coast and where you might see them.
Every year, thousands of puffins come to the places in our care to breed. Find out more about what they eat, when they breed and the best time to see them.
As the tide goes out, the secrets of the sea are revealed in rock pools left behind. Exploring the wonders of a rock pool is no. 37 of the ‘50 things to do before you’re 11¾’.
We worked with the British Library and the National Trust for Scotland to create the UK’s first ever coastal sound map. Find out about the project and top tips for making your own recording of the sounds of our shores.
Delve into history, get tips from our experts, learn a new skill and go behind the scenes of your favourite places.