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Drop-in sessions

Visit us in and around Bathampton Meadows to hear more about the work we're doing.

  • Booking not needed
  • Free event

Over the summer months we'll be running a series of drop-in sessions in and around Bathampton Meadows.

This is a chance to catch-up with us and hear about the work we've been doing and the progress we've made with future plans. Learn about the work our volunteers do including butterfly surveys, bat surveys and general upkeep.

We're always keen to hear what people think of the Meadows and to gather your feedback.

You'll find us in the following locations:

Sat 15 Jun, 11am - 3pm by the willow domes just over Batheaston footbridge (///

Tue 2 Jul, 3pm - 7pm in the meadow near the entrance on Meadow Lane (///cloak.grit.ties)

Thu 4 Jul, 3pm - 7pm in Kensington Meadows near the play area and Morrisons (///trace.shells.pads)

Mon 8 Jul, 3pm - 7pm on the canal path near The George Inn, Bathampton (///pill.point.option)


Contact info

Bathampton Meadows at Prior Park Landscape Garden