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Water voles are an endangered species in Great Britain, so if you're hoping to see them, it's worth first finding out where your nearest populations are based. They're also rather shy, so spotting them can require patience, stealth and a bit of insider knowledge about where they live, what they eat and the signs they leave behind.
Water voles live along riverbanks and streams, and around ponds, lakes and marshes. The entrances to their burrows are usually next to slow-moving water and are about the size of a tennis ball but wider than they are high.
Look out for small piles of chewed plants, or stalks cut at a 45-degree angle, as well tiny star-shaped paw prints in soft mud.
You might also spot a water vole latrine – layers of flattened, greenish droppings, which they use as scent markers.
When you’re tracking water voles, try to be as quiet as possible. Sudden noises will send them straight to their burrows or into the water. Listen out for that distinctive ‘plop’ sound as they enter.
It can often pay to sit or stand still in the same place for a while. Watch for twitching stalks or ripples at the edge of the water, which may be signs of a water vole feeding.
Water voles are often mistaken for brown rats, which share their waterside habitats. But water voles are smaller with more rounded faces and bodies. Their tails are also shorter, and furry rather than hairless.
A water vole's coat is generally a chestnut colour, while a rat often has greyish flecks in its fur. Water voles have smaller ears, tucked close to their heads, compared with rats’ much more prominent pink, pointed ears.
Get a good look at them swimming and you should be able to tell the difference. A rat swims with just its head out of the water, but if it's a water vole you've spotted, you'll see a lot of its body above the surface too.
Depending on where in the country you're based, you might want to try your luck at Malham Tarn, England's highest freshwater lake, in the Yorkshire Dales, Miller's Pond at Hardwick in Derbyshire, Wicken Fen nature reserve in Cambridgeshire, or along the streams and rivers of Avebury in Wiltshire.
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Find out how we're helping to ensure that these endearing animals continue to be a feature of Britain's rivers and lakes for generations to come.