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Walking Through Time - Bolberry and The Warren

Join the South Devon National Landscape team and county archaeologist, Bill Horner, to discover past stories of our landscape.

  • Booking essential

Clues from the past are often hiding in plain sight. From medieval farmsteads to Napoleonic signal lines, there's lots to discover along this beautiful stretch of coastline. Join the South Devon National Landscapes team and county archaeologist Bill Horner for a walk through time.



Event prices

Ticket typeTicket category
1 person£2.00

The basics

Booking details

Call 03336664466 Tickets are £2 each. Booking through the South Devon National Landscapes team.


Children aged 14 and over are welcome.

Meeting point

Bolberry Down Car Park, TQ7 3DY.

What to bring and wear

Please dress for the weather and wear sturdy footwear. Snack and drinks as necessary.


3.5 miles walk with some steep inclines, steps and uneven sections of coast path.