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Apple pressing

The apples in Hardy’s orchard will be ripe and ready for harvesting. Come and meet the gardeners who will be pressing the apples to make delicious apple juice.

  • Booking not needed
  • Free event (admission applies)

What better way to celebrate autumn with the harvest of Dorset's favourite fruit from Hardy's orchard.

Apple pieces are first milled into a pulp and then crushed in a small press to release delicious fruit juice.

Apple pressing will be taking place in the orchard between 11am-2pm.

Booking is not required to see the apple pressing, but if you want to visit inside the cottage, a ticket must be booked in advance via our website or by phoning 0344 249 1895.



Event ticket prices

This event is free, but normal admission charges apply for the venue.

Check admission prices

The basics

Meeting point

The orchard