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Ebworth Woodland Management Talk

A woodland walk at Ebworth to explain how we manage this unique and ancient site.

  • Booking essential
  • Free event (admission applies)

Ebworth Woods is a special part of woodland in the UK, playing host to important species of trees and flowers for conservation. It's also managed in a unique way, and in this woodland walk and talk session, Area Ranger Tom Griffin will be explaining how the National Trust manage this landscape and woodland using continuous cover forestry to preserve and improve it for future generations.



Event ticket prices

This event is free, but normal admission charges apply for the venue.

Check admission prices

The basics

Booking details

Call 0344 249 1895

Meeting point

Ebworth Centre Car Park

What to bring and wear

Wear clothing suitable for an outdoor walk and appropriate footwear - the woodland can be wet, muddy and slippery in places.