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Ballintoy Rockhound Club Fossil Hunting Adventure

Another hunt is open, come and join our search for creatures that lived the Earth millions of years ago

  • Booking essential
  • Free event

Ballintoy Rockhound Club members met again, for their summer event at White Park Bay beach.

Join us on a journey to discover creatures from bygone times.

Together with our team of volunteers we begin our hunt for belemnites and ammonites.


The basics

Booking details

Call 0344 249 1895


Family friendly

Meeting point

White Park Bay Car Park

What to bring and wear

Suitable Outdoor Clothing


The walk will involve steps and uneven terrain


We encourage to bring you fossils with you so the others can admire them . Please arrive 15 minutes before the walk starts.

Upcoming events


Discovery Guided Walk at White Park Bay 

A guided tour of White Park Bay with our ranger Simeon, exploring all the diverse habitats of this beautiful area.

Event summary

19 Jul 2024
10:00 to 12:00