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Holnicote Nature Night

An evening of nature-fuelled entertainment with the Holnicote Estate's National Trust team. Watch the film 'Six Inches of Soil', hear about our latest work and get involved in virtual reality experiences and interactive exhibits.

  • Booking essential
  • Free event

Featuring a free screening of ‘Six Inches of Soil', an inspiring documentary feature film.

Take part in virtual reality nature experiences, interactive exhibitions and listen to talks from our team about the work we are doing to restore and revitalize nature and climate in the community.

Hear from our Countryside Manager about our nature vision for the Estate, our latest exciting nature work being delivered on your doorstep, including our peatlands project to restore peatland on the Estate. Have your chance to ask questions with a Q & A session after the talks.

The event is free and includes a free buffet and refreshments. The catering is being provided by the brilliant team at the Allerford Tearoom.


The basics

Booking details

Call 0344 249 1895


This event is suitable for accompanied children.

Meeting point

Meet at Porlock Village Hall, Toll Road, Porlock, TA24 8QD.


Please contact us if you have any access requirements.

Upcoming events


Beaver Enclosure Tours 

A guided walk round the beaver enclosure at the Holnicote estate, lead by our expert ranger team.

Event summary

31 Jul to 31 Aug 2024
18:30 to 20:00
+ 2 other dates or times