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British Tapestry Group Weaving Exhibition: IF Only

Explore the world of contemporary weaving through locally made tapestries inspired by Bateman’s and Rudyard Kipling.

  • Booking not needed
  • Free event (admission applies)

IF ONLY is an exhibition of contemporary handwoven tapestries created by the South East Region of the British Tapestry Group. IF ONLY showcases and celebrates these original tapestries from weavers of all levels of experience.

The theme IF ONLY was chosen to be broad while at the same time giving reference to Kipling’s poem, IF. It gives each weaver the opportunity to work from a different viewpoint and to interpret the theme in their own unique way.

BTG South East is a group of members within the British Tapestry Group whose aim is to promote and explore the concept of woven tapestry as a contemporary art form. The aims of the group are to help members develop as tapestry weavers through mutual support, discussion and practical advice, and to help raise the profile of woven tapestry by holding group exhibitions and other activities within the South East area.

The tapestries are available for purchase

14-29 September 2024, 11am–4pm



Event ticket prices

This event is free, but normal admission charges apply for the venue.

Check admission prices

The basics


Suitable for adults.

Meeting point

This event takes place in the House kitchen.

What to bring and wear

Please dress for the weather.


The House kitchen is accessible through the downstairs of the House and through the shop. There are a few steps in the shop, but an access ramp can be set up. Please see the access pages at for further information.


A member of the group will be on hand on select days to demonstrate tapestry weaving, to answer questions and provide simple weaving activities. The tapestries are available for purchase via card and range between £50-£70 per piece.

Upcoming events


Pop-up garden talks 

Join a short talk with the garden team, focussing on one aspect of their work in the garden at Bateman’s.

Event summary

3 Jul to 31 Jul 2024
10:30 to 14:30
+ 4 other dates or times

Sold out: A Beginner's Guide to Identifying Bumblebees Workshop 

Ever wanted to tell your buff tail from your early bumblebee? Join our bumblebee experts in learning how to identify the different bumblebees that can be found at Bateman’s.

Event summary

3 Jul 2024
10:30 to 15:30

Kipling Introductory Talks 

Get a snapshot into the life of Rudyard Kipling before looking around his home.

Event summary

3 Jul to 31 Oct 2024
11:00 to 13:00
+ 86 other dates or times

Conservation Wednesdays 

Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes to look after the collection at Bateman’s?

Event summary

10 Jul to 11 Dec 2024
11:30 to 15:30
+ 5 other dates or times