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Excavation at Frog Firle

Join us under the gaze of the White Horse, Frog Firle, on the river Cuckmere, where we are investigating some amazing Earthworks which are thought to be an abandoned medieval settlement.

  • Booking essential
  • Free event (admission applies)

We will be excavating trenches which are focusing on anomalies from previous geophysics results. The excavations are going to be staffed by Changing Chalk Volunteers. We are seeking to learn more about the Earthworks, and understand the best way to manage them. There will be the opportunity to come and have a look at the excavations and the site. Please note booking is essential.



Event ticket prices

This event is free, but normal admission charges apply for the venue.

Check admission prices

The basics

Booking details

Call 07977 294309 Please call Gary Webster to book


The site is best accessed from high and over car park, and walking down the hill. However, there may be parking closer but please talk to Gary on the booking number above to discuss this.