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Helfa Pryfedtach Prys a'r Pryfed | Lloyd of the Flies Bug Hunt

Dewch i weld y byd trwy lygaid pryfyn gyda Prys a'r Pryfed gan Aardman! | See the world through the eyes of an insect with Aardman's Lloyd of the Flies!

  • Booking not needed
  • Free event (admission applies)

Ymunwch â ni am haf o hwyl gyda Prys â’r Pryfed, cyfres gomedi wedi’i hanimeiddio gan Aardman.

Mwynhewch chwilio am gymeriadau, gan gynnwys Prys a’i chwaer fach PB a’i ffrind gorau Abacus y pry’ lludw.

Lawrlwythwch ap realiti estynedig arbennig a ddatblygwyd gan Aardman i ‘leihau’ eich hun yn faint pryfyn a gweld y byd trwy lygaid pryfyn. Yn ogystal, mwynhewch weithgareddau difyr i’r teulu drwy gydol yr haf yn yr ardd.

Pob dydd o 22 Gorffennaf – 31 Awst. Digwyddiad am ddim, mynediad arferol i’r ardd yn daladwy i’r rhai nad ydynt yn aelodau. Ewch i Google Play neu App Store a chwiliwch am ‘Bug Hunt’ i lawrlwytho’r ap am ddim. _____

Join us at Bodnant Garden for a summer of fun with Lloyd of the Flies, an animated comedy series from Aardman.

Have fun seeking out characters including Lloyd, his little sister PB and his best friend Abacus the woodlouse.

Download a special augmented reality app developed by Aardman to ‘shrink down’ to fly size and see the world through an insect's eyes. Plus, enjoy fun, family-friendly activities throughout the garden all summer long.

Daily from 22 July - 31 August. Free event, normal admission to the garden applies for non-members. App free to download on Google Play or App Store, search for ‘Bug Hunt’.



Event ticket prices

This event is free, but normal admission charges apply for the venue.

Check admission prices

The basics


Croeso i blant | Children welcome

Meeting point

Ewch at y Dderbynfa i ddechrau eich Helfa Pryfetach. Head to the Visitor Reception to start the Bug Hunt.


Lawrlythwch yr ap realiti estyniedig am ddim o siop Ap Google neu Apple cyn eich ymweliad; chwiliwch am 'Bug Hunt'. Download the augmented reality app for free from the Google or Apple store before your visit; search for 'Bug Hunt'.