Partnering with England's Community Forests
In 2025, we're partnering with England's Community Forests to create around 519 hectares of wooded habitats. By the end of March, almost 416,000 trees will have been planted to make woodlands, wood pasture, hedgerows and orchards.
A total of 20 planting projects will be completed on land in our care in England to fight climate change, help nature thrive and make woods more accessible and closer to where people live.
Each new area of planting will join existing habitats to form nature-rich landscapes, as well as extending the size of local Community Forest networks in areas including Devon, Gloucestershire, Yorkshire and Merseyside.
Throughout the partnership, we'll work together to create the equivalent of more than 1,070 football pitches of vital, wood-filled habitats.
This series of planting projects has been funded and supported by England’s Community Forests’ Trees for Climate programme, part of the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs’ (Defra) Nature for Climate Fund.