For everyone, for ever
We protect and care for places so people and nature can thrive. Find out who we are and what we stand for.
We’re working on a project with think tank Green Alliance to show how new markets could help to support farming methods that reduce flooding, provide clean water and restore wildlife for the benefit of all.
The Government is working on its replacement of the Common Agricultural Policy. Its proposed Environmental Land Management system would provide farmers with an income for managing land to deliver healthier soils, cleaner water, more wildlife and better access for people to the countryside.
We and our partners at Green Alliance are proposing ways that the new system can also unlock private investment in environmentally friendly farming.
In 2016 we first introduced our Natural Infrastructure Scheme concept which would bring new income streams into farming. We outlined what the Government could do to help accelerate the creation of viable markets that farmers and land managers could access for developing sustainable methods that restore and protect the natural environment. Since then we have produced a further four reports, testing and developing our Natural Infrastructure Scheme concept:
We are continuing to work with Green Alliance, farmers, landowners and businesses to develop and test this concept and will share our learnings.
As part of our Riverlands programme we're also exploring what part conservation covenants may play in unlocking new long-term finance for farming.
We worked with farmers, landowners, and partners including Green Alliance, EnTrade and 3Keel on a project to test how private income streams could help deliver multiple environmental benefits to investors.
We hoped to learn and demonstrate how private and public payments for environmental outcomes can work alongside each other in two specified landscapes. Our initial policy findings and recommendations for Government can be found in these policy briefings:
Now at the end of this project, we've learnt how local private investment and public payments for environmental outcomes could work together, demonstrating how different revenue streams can interface effectively and developing a 'toolkit' to help policymakers and practitioners make this a reality.
We protect and care for places so people and nature can thrive. Find out who we are and what we stand for.
Green Alliance is an independent think tank and charity focused on ambitious leadership for the environment.
Find out how we're working with farmers to investigate new, practical ways of improving farming methods to benefit farmers, nature and the environment.
Learn about our ambitions for the land in our care and how we're working with farmers and common rights holders to support nature-friendly, low carbon farming.
Help to look after National Trust places by observing a few simple guidelines during your visit and following the Countryside Code.
Learn more about our views on protecting and conserving nature and wildlife, our own environmental targets, and our position on issues including trail hunting and shooting.
Find out how the planning systems impacts the National Trust and how we advocate for the best outcomes for people, climate, nature and heritage.