‘50 things to do before you're 11¾’
Have fun exploring nature and the great outdoors with our list of ‘50 things to do before you're 11¾’.
Pooh sticks is a simple but thrilling game, first invented by the bear in the Winnie-the-Pooh stories by A. A. Milne. Learn what you need to play and what might increase your chances of winning.
You'll need two or more players, each armed with a stick of their choosing. You also need a bridge over moving water.
As you cheer your Pooh stick on its way to victory, take some time to watch what’s going on below. What happens as your Pooh stick lands? Does it bob under the water? How does the water flow around your Pooh stick?
Try to choose a place on the bridge above the fastest-flowing water. This way you’ll have an advantage over the other players.
You could always play again with a stick that's a different length or weight. Was your second stick faster or slower? Did its size make a difference?
Can you tell, by looking at something that's already floating, which section of river is flowing the fastest?
There is a sum you can do to work out how fast the river's flowing, which we call its flow rate. You'll need to take a measuring tape or a pre-measured piece of string to the river. You'll also need a stopwatch.
Measure a three or four-metre distance along the river then divide this by how long the stick takes to travel that distance. Multiply the answer by 0.85 to get the flow rate. So:
Distance of the river in metres / the time in seconds x 0.85 = flow rate in metres per second.
Perhaps you could come back to the river after it's been raining and measure the flow rate again then. What difference might the rain have made?
Have fun exploring nature and the great outdoors with our list of ‘50 things to do before you're 11¾’.
To ensure you can complete your ‘50 things to do before you’re 11¾’ activities safely, here are some top tips to help you complete your challenges with safety in mind.
Den building, wand making, Pooh sticks and even nature trail making – who knew sticks could be so much fun? Discover no. 12 of our ‘50 things to do before you’re 11¾’.
Adventure no. 14 on the list of ‘50 things to do before you’re 11¾’ is to dam a stream. Just collect twigs, branches, stones and rocks to stop the flow of water.
Discover the world of waterways and the wildlife that call it home in our special episode of the National Trust Kids’ Podcast. Visit our podcast page to meet Ranger Rae and her band of animal heroes.