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No. 41 Help a plant grow

A girl pots a plant in compost at Prior Park in Bath, Somerset
A girl pots a plant in compost at Prior Park in Bath, Somerset | © National Trust Images/Anna Kilcooley

Helping a plant to grow will take some time. It's worth the wait however and our tips will help you develop your gardening skills. Find out how to look after seeds and how to grow your own mini-garden.

The joy of gardening 

Gardening is such a fun hobby, it can last a lifetime. You can pick up new skills and learn about different plants as you go along.

All seeds need light and water to grow but some need more than others. It's enjoyable seeing what you’ve planted grow into something beautiful or something that you can eat. It can also feel good to care for another living thing and help it thrive.

What do you want to grow? 

First of all, think about whether you want to grow fruit, vegetables or herbs. Do you want something that you can eat? Or would you prefer a plant that looks interesting at different times of the year? Do you want sweet-smelling flowers or interesting seed heads?  

You could also try to grow a garden that is friendly to wildlife and encourages them to thrive.

Plants you can grow indoors from seeds

If you don’t have a garden, don’t worry, you don't need outdoor space to grow a plant. 

A sunny window sill is a good place to grow things. Try planting lettuce seeds in pots or trays. There are lots of colourful varieties to choose from and once big enough, you can pick off leaves and add them to a meal.

You could plant single, shorter varieties of sunflower or acorn seeds in pots on a sunny window sill, or grow an avocado plant by fixing an avocado stone to the top of a jam jar full of slightly warm water. Lemon seeds, after being soaked in water, can grow into lovely little plants. There are lots of things to try. 

You might be allowed to sow something in the cracks of an old wall. Aubrieta is a beautiful purple plant that loves to live in the cracks of walls and paths, and it self-seeds very easily. 

How to grow your own mini garden

Find out how to make a small planter at home by following our step-by-step instructions. It's a great way to grow your own beautiful blossoms, perhaps by using lavender or wildflower seed mixes.

A toddler and their mother exploring the glasshouse at Clumber Park, Nottinghamshire
Exploring the glasshouse at Clumber Park, Nottinghamshire | © National Trust Images/James Dobson

Easy-to-grow fruit and veggies 

We think strawberries are one of the easiest and tastiest things to grow. Or you could think about herbs like basil (which goes well with nearly every pasta or pizza dish), rosemary or thyme.

You could also try your hand at vegetables – peas or cress are easy to look after, or tomatoes, carrots, potatoes or salad leaves. The list is endless really, so it's pretty much down to you and what you fancy eating, and what time of year it is.

Remember that whatever you choose will take a while to grow, so you usually won't be eating it for at least a month after you've planted it. 

What time of year is best for planting? 

Although spring and summer are often the most exciting times to watch and care for your plant, don’t forget to nurture it the whole year round. Some plants and trees have colourful branches in the winter time – this can be when they're at their most beautiful. 

Top tips 

  • Plant seasonally – make sure you plant the right thing at the right time of year. Some plants will only grow at certain times of the year. 
  • Make sure you've got the right equipment. You might need a plant pot. You'll also need peat-free compost or soil and space for your pots. 
  • If you've bought seeds, follow the instructions on the packet about the types of soil, growing temperatures and how deep to plant the seeds.
  • Watering your plant is very important to help it grow, so don't forget to do this. In hotter months, you might need to water it every day. 
Children on bikes at Blickling Estate, Norfolk Children on bikes at Blickling Estate, Norfolk Children on bikes at Blickling Estate, Norfolk Children on bikes at Blickling Estate, Norfolk

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