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Reminiscence sessions for people with Dementia

A group of 6 volunteers stand in the Back to Backs courtyard in a group. They are smiling at the camera and are all wearing old fashioned aprons.
A team of passionate volunteers run reminiscence sessions at the Back to Backs | © NT Images / Sophie Flynn

Join a reminiscence session with the award-winning Back in Time volunteer team from the Birmingham Back to Backs. The team provide face-to-face sessions designed to spark the sharing of precious memories in those living with mild dementia.

Does someone you know have mild dementia?

If you're caring for someone with mild dementia, you'll know how precious memory sharing is. Join the Back in Time team for a friendly and informal session designed to spark memory sharing. One of the historic rooms at the Back to Backs is brought to life with lamplight and objects from the past which are used facilitate conversations.

Who are the Back to Backs reminiscence sessions for?

The Back in Time Reminiscence sessions are for people living with mild dementia and their friends, family or carers. The sessions are designed to allow the person living with dementia to look back on their memories, along with a companion. Step-free access is available for those with mobility impairments and chairs are also available throughout.

When booking your tickets, you only need to book a ticket for the person living with dementia; as that person’s relative, companion or carer you then also attend but do not need to book a ticket. Each session has three spaces available to book for three people living with dementia.

What are reminiscence sessions?

Reminiscence sessions at the Back to Backs are roughly 90 minutes long. Guests are welcomed to the Back to Backs and then taken to one of our historic rooms, where they sit around a table and chat about objects from the past. We use things like old photographs, music, toys and household objects to start informal conversations. Members of the team share their own memories relating to objects, which can act as a trigger for guests to share stories which may have been hidden.

Where do the sessions happen?

Face to Face

Face to Face reminiscence sessions by the volunteer team at the Back to Backs take place at 61 Hurst Street, Birmingham, B5 4TE. Enter through the second-hand bookshop.


The team also offer Outreach sessions for groups supporting people living with dementia in Birmingham and the wider West Midlands. This could be at a local memory cafe, place of worship or other community group.

Is there a charge for any of the sessions?

No, Reminiscence sessions are run by a group of passionate volunteers and are free of charge for guests and carers. We do ask for a suggested donation for outreach session.

When do the sessions happen and how do I book?

The Face to Face reminiscence session at the Back to Backs happens once a month on a Monday. Below are the dates for 2025:

  • Monday 3rd February - session now fully booked.
  • Monday 3rd March - session now fully booked.
  • Monday 7th April
  • Monday 12th May
  • Monday 2nd June
  • Monday 7th July

You can book your free place by emailing us at

If you're interested in booking an Outreach session for your memory café or group, please email

Join the team

Could you give your time to help people live well with dementia? If you'd like to join the reminiscence team, you'll receive full training, developed by Alzheimer’s Society, and you’ll join a welcoming team with a wealth of knowledge and experience.

If you're interested in learning more about a role within the reminiscence team, or just want to find out more about what volunteering at the Back to Backs is like, join us for our reminiscence volunteer open day.

  • Monday 7th April, 13:00-15:00, at the Back to Backs. Drop in to the in person open day to meet the team and managers who will be leading your volunteering experience at the Back to Backs. There will also be a chance to meet some of our current volunteers and have look around our historic property. If you’d like to attend, please email

If you’re looking for a volunteer role that can make a genuine difference and help people live well with dementia, we’d love to hear from you. You can apply for the role here.