Join us for a relaxed walk at Wicken Fen as part of our weekly walking offer
Explore some of the wider reserve at Wicken Fen to celebrate World Wetlands Day..
Explore the Boardwalk this half term and test your powers of observation with our brand new 'Photofinders' Trail. At the end you can tally up your points and discover if you are as keen-eyed as a kestrel!
Let your imagination run wild in this brand new workshop for families to enjoy together.
Drop into the Visitor Centre and make a bird feeder to take home - your garden birds will thank you! Donations welcome.
Let your imagination run wild in this brand new workshop for young people aged 12 - 16 years.
Delve into the fascinating world of owl pellets to discover what’s on the menu for the owls at Wicken Fen!
Come join the enthusiastic team at Wicken Fen's Cycle Hire, helping to make our visitors' day out special. To find out more about this great volunteer opportunity come along to our drop-in information session.