New bus service provides greener way to travel to Wicken Fen
- Published:
- 28 March 2025
- Last updated:
- 28 March 2025

A new dial-a-bus service is offering people in and around Ely, a greener way to travel to and from Wicken Fen, the National Trust’s first and oldest nature reserve.
The Tiger On Demand flexible bus service will mean visitors to the reserve can now pre-book a ride to Wicken Fen, Monday to Saturday from 6.30am to 7pm.
Emma Ormond-Bones, General Manager for the National Trust’s Wicken Fen, said:
“Historically, Wicken Fen, which is based in a small fenland village, has been virtually unreachable by public transport, so we welcome this new Tiger On Demand service. It will make the nature reserve accessible to more people who either don’t have a car or are unable to drive. It may also be a more affordable option for some and supports those considering the impact on the environment, when making choices about driving shorter journeys.
“Many people don’t have enough nature in their lives, and as a charity we believe strongly that nature, beauty and history belong to everyone. We’re passionate about welcoming visitors to the Fen and are always striving to respond to climate change, so this new service is a big step forward in the right direction.”
A journey can be booked to and from anywhere within the Tiger on Demand travel zones using any of the virtual bus stops, unlike traditional bus services which travel along specific routes at specific times.
The service is provided by Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority and is free for children under the age of five and bus pass holders. Tiger Pass holders can travel for just £1 a journey.
The quickest and easiest way to book is by downloading the Tiger on Demand app. Bookings can be made up to 48 hours in advance of the journey. Bookings can also be made by visiting the Tiger on Demand website.
For those preferring to book by phone, this can be done Monday to Saturday 6am to 7.30pm (01480 696 440).
Visit Tiger on Demand to view more about bus services to Wicken Fen Nature Reserve.