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Wildworks: 'This is Me'

Four decorated pots in a black and gold cabinet that are part of Wildworks' 'This is Me'
Pieces displayed as part of 'This is Me' | © Neil Magraw

‘This is Me’ is one of seventeen artworks produced for Hello Stranger, a Cornwall-wide community engagement programme created by Wildworks and supported by National Trust places in Cornwall and the communities they serve.

About 'This is Me'

‘This is Me’ is an arts engagement project and part of Wildworks' Hello Stranger programme. It sets out to uncover stories of connection to place, to Cornwall and lands far beyond its borders and beaches.

Artists Melanie Young and Caroline Schanche worked with a group of women from Hayle WI over several months to create the installation. They used different creative mediums to explore their personal stories. Stories of place, belonging and memory formed the starting points for all the artworks.

Originally intending to create a cabinet, the artists soon realised that what they were making with the women could more appropriately be described as a reliquary- a box or shrine in which sacred objects are kept.

Now on touring National Trust places across Cornwall, visitors are invited to spend a while: hear the voices, watch the film, and wander around the installation to enjoy all the different elements that create the whole.

'This is me' on tour at National Trust places in Cornwall

The installation is embarking on 5 month tour of National Trust places throughout Cornwall:

Visit 'This is Me' at Trerice from 16 July – 5 August.Find out more
Visit 'This is Me' at Trelissick from 5 August – 5 September.Find out more
Visit 'This is Me' at Cotehele from 6 – 28 September.Find out more
Visit 'This is Me' at Pentire from 29 September – 3 November.Find out more
Visit 'This is Me' at Godolphin from 5 – 25 November.Find out more
Members of Hayle WI creating for Wildworks' 'This is Me'. 6 people stand barefoot on grass with their back to the camera and their right hands raised
Members of Hayle WI creating for 'This is Me' | © Neil Magraw

“I feel one of the benefits of this project is that we are all getting to know each other at a deeper level - which is lovely.”

A quote by Member of Hayle WI

About the artists

Melanie Young is a visual artist who uses immediacy of the painted surface to explore themes impacting the lives of women, including motherhood, generational families and inheritance.

Caroline Schanche is a community dance artist who explores the stories of people’s lives through the impulse to move. From a toddler taking their first steps to a person with dementia recalling that Saturday night dance, Caroline’s practice honours participation and access for all.

Melanie and Caroline are co-directors of Open the Box Arts, a female-led artist collaboration.

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Wildworks is the UK’s leading landscape theatre company. From their base in Cornwall they make site-specific theatre with communities locally, nationally and internationally. They reach audiences and collaborators all over the globe. Everyone is invited.

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A collection of brightly painted and gold leafed pots photographed in from of a suitcase covered in hand-drawn luggage labels

Wildworks events at National Trust places in Cornwall 

Discover more events at National Trust places in Cornwall as part of the collaboration with Wildworks' 'Hello Stranger' programme.