Explore countryside and woodland
Get closer to nature and explore hundreds of outdoor places. We've got miles of hillsides and woodland waiting to be discovered.
If you're out walking in early autumn, look for ripe blackberries growing in the hedgerows and try a bit of foraging. Don't forget to arm young ones with bags, bowls or baskets and it won’t be long until everyone’s lips are stained purple.
Blackberries are delicious treats – for people and wildlife. When you go blackberry picking, choose areas of abundance and remember to leave some for the birds and animals that also like to eat them.
Get closer to nature and explore hundreds of outdoor places. We've got miles of hillsides and woodland waiting to be discovered.
Go blackberry picking with these handy tips on how to pick the ripest, juiciest berries, without being stung by nettles or pricked by thorns.
Foraging involves searching for and eating plants, herbs and fruit. Delicious snacks await you with adventure no. 21 on the list of ‘50 things to do before you’re 11¾’.
Take a family-friendly walk along these trails suitable for buggies and children. On the way, you can go wild in natural play areas and compete in woodland den building.
We believe that foraging for wild food brings us closer to nature and reminds us that we need to take care of it. Find out how to forage safely and sustainably at the places in our care and beyond.