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Best places to see bluebells

Visitors walking in bluebell woodland at Hatchlands Park, Surrey
Visitors walking in bluebell woodland at Hatchlands Park | © National Trust Images/Chris Lacey

Did you know that around half of the world’s bluebell population is found here in the UK? Discover some of the top woodlands and nature reserves where you can see these delicate flowers.

Look after bluebells

Bluebells can take years to recover from footfall damage. Help us care for these native flowers by keeping to the designated pathways.

Basildon Park, Berkshire
Come and see the bluebells at Basildon Park. It's a great time of year to visit and see the gentle swaying of these vibrant spring flowers.Explore Basildon Park
Blickling Estate, Norfolk
Discover one of the best places to see bluebells in the East of England. Follow the winding paths through the Great Wood to pass through swathes of these dainty blooms.Explore Blickling
Calke Abbey, Derbyshire
Take a short spring walk through Serpentine Wood to discover a sea of bluebells. From around mid-April and all through May, the woodland floor is covered in bluebells.Explore Calke Abbey
Castle Coole, County Fermanagh
Bluebells appear in abundance throughout the ancient woodlands of Castle Coole. Planted by the daughters of the 4th Earl more than 100 years ago, the popular wild flowers make their annual appearance here over May.Explore Castle Coole
Castle Drogo, Devon
Castle Drogo sits among native bluebell woodland with sweeping views across to Dartmoor. If you're lucky, you may even spot fallow deer resting among the flowers.Explore Castle Drogo
Castle Ward, County Down
Wander along five miles of bluebell trails at Castle Ward. Pick up a bluebell map from reception and don't forget to bring your camera.Explore Castle Ward
Clent Hills, Worcestershire
Head to the Clent Hills for a dense bluebell display that stretches across the slopes. The hills and woodland are covered in these flowers each spring, particularly in bluebell valley.Visit the Clent Hills
A group of four visitors, one in a mobility vehicle, exploring the Castle Ward estate. They're walking underneath trees while a bank of bluebells can be seen in the foreground.
Visitors exploring the Castle Ward estate, County Down, in spring | © National Trust Images/Chris Lacey
Clumber Park, Nottinghamshire
The appropriately named Bluebell Wood at Clumber Park is transformed in spring. The carpet of intense blue is a springtime spectacle – follow this three-mile trail to see thousands of flowers blooming closely together.Explore Clumber Park
Dinefwr, Carmarthenshire
Dinefwr is famous for its large bluebell display on Rookery Ridge. Pick up a map at reception and follow the Cattle Trail to see these uplifting flowers throughout May.Explore Dinefwr
Emmetts Garden, Kent
The woods at Emmetts Garden have been designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest due to the English native bluebells that bloom here. Every year the hillside is smothered with this beloved wild flower.Explore Emmetts Garden
Godolphin, Cornwall
Take a stroll through the tranquil woodland at Godolphin, where years of mining have left an unnatural, undulating landscape. During spring, you'll see it cloaked in bluebells.Explore Godolphin
Hardcastle Crags, West Yorkshire
Bluebells are a spring highlight at Hardcastle Crags, where they cover the woodland. At their peak, they create a blue haze through the woods and valley, filling the air with their fragrance.Explore Hardcastle Crags
Hatchlands Park, Surrey
Tucked away on the eastern edge of Hatchlands Park is Little Wix Wood. Explore this small, quiet patch of ancient, semi-natural woodland as it comes alive with bluebells each spring.Explore Hatchlands Park
Hinton Ampner, Hampshire
Follow this four-mile trail to take in the carpet of bluebells that covers Hinton Ampner's woodlands. Keep an eye out for roe deer and rare barbastelle bats as you go.Explore Hinton Ampner
A steep slope covered in the rich blue of bluebells, with trees and a path running through
The Bluebell Bank in May at Emmetts Garden, Kent | © National Trust Images/David Sellman
Llanerchaeron, Ceredigion
Set in the wooded Aeron Valley, Llanerchaeron is a Site of Special Scientific Interest. From late April, see bluebells and wild garlic climbing up the banks of Afon Aeron and scattered throughout the woodland.Explore Llanerchaeron
Murlough National Nature Reserve, County Down
Murlough National Nature Reserve has a network of paths leading through dunes, woodland and heathland. The landscape is home to various wild flowers in spring, including a display of bluebells in the woods.Explore Murlough National Nature Reserve
Penrhyn Castle and Garden, Gwynedd
Bluebells appear soon after the daffodils at Penrhyn Castle. Take in the views of Snowdonia before following the path through ancient woodland filled with purple flowers.Explore Penrhyn Castle
Rufford Old Hall, Lancashire
Step into the North Woods at Rufford Old Hall to find yourself surrounded by a sea of blue. It's arguably one of the best places to see bluebells in Lancashire.Explore Rufford Old Hall
Standen, West Sussex
Bluebell fans are spoilt for choice at Standen, where the spring flowers cover an area around 10 acres in size across the estate. Once the flowers are in full bloom, they cover the floor of Rockinghill Wood.Explore Standen
Stourhead, Wiltshire
Bonham Wood on the Stourhead estate is transformed with swathes of bluebells in May, complemented by views across the lake from behind the Temple of Apollo.Explore Stourhead
The Vyne, Hampshire
The Vyne's bluebell woods are just a short walk from the gardens and car park. Follow the path across the field or take in the spring scene on the 1.3-mile woodland walk.Explore The Vyne
Winkworth Arboretum, Surrey
Bluebells emerge in spring, making the most of the light before the tree canopy closes up and the forest floor becomes shaded. Winkworth's winding woodland paths lead visitors through swathes of bluebells, offering an immersive experience with excellent photo opportunities.Explore Winkworth Arboretum
A close up of some bluebells in the rain

A guide to bluebells in the UK

Learn about the types of bluebell you'll find in the UK and how to tell them apart.

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