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Living and Working at A la Ronde

The circular exterior of A la Ronde with diamond shaped windows and a green door
The exterior of A la Ronde | © National Trust Images/James Dobson

For a few lucky members of National Trust staff, the day does not end with leaving site. An important element of looking after our places is what happens when everyone else goes home. Salli, Property Operations Manager at A la Ronde, has lived at A la Ronde for many years, and is one of a long line of custodians to have looked after the site.

I have lived at A la Ronde since 2006, but I have been living and working with the National Trust since 1985 at other National Trust properties around the country. Being 'key rep' means that your post requires you to live on site and many National Trust sites have roles like these. A la Ronde is where I have been longest and so the site is very special to me.

Ultimately, it is about Custodianship, of which I am one in a long line, and extends to everyone who plays a part here.

View of the house at A la Ronde, Devon, beyond the thatched barn.
The Barn and the House at A la Ronde, Devon. | © National Trust Images / Paul Harris

Living and working here is very different to living off site and commuting in. It is not at all like working from home (which I am not good at and need to be in the knub of things).

It absolutely brings certain peculiarities. Among other things, it can be slightly odd walking down the drive in your dressing gown to put out the recycling. Luckily the drive is fairly short, but on the odd occasion you meet fully-dressed people at the gate, it can be an interesting conversation.

View of the Barn at A la Ronde, Devon, with bench in front and plants growing across its front.
The Barn. A la Ronde, Devon. | © National Trust Images / Hilary Daniel

On the one hand, I love it when the property is open and there are lots of people about. From visitors who are experiencing this special place for the first time to regular visitors who return for different reasons and are familiar faces, it is people who make it so special. It is a complete privilege to work here.

However, it can be wonderful when you are left alone. If I am closing up the property, as the last shutter is secured and colleagues and visitors have gone home, it can feel like the house is taking a big sigh, happily, but closing its eyes for the night, with the companiable sound of ticking clocks. Outside, wildlife is more evident in sight and sound and there is a calm about the place. The views are stunning, and if I stop, look and listen I feel incredibly lucky to be in the heart of such a beautiful space.

Light coming through a diamond-shaped window at A la Ronde, Devon, and a jug with flowers stands on a small table.
Diamond-shaped window at A la Ronde, Devon. | © National Trust Images / Geoffrey Frosh

A colleague has said that we are like a family - I also think of it like a tapestry. Everyone involved at A la Ronde is a special thread making up a whole picture, each with a part to play and reliant on working as a team. This is especially so post-pandemic where we are working in a different way with fewer people.

The interior of the cabinet of curiosities in the Library at A la Ronde, Devon.

The Compendium 

The Compendium is a collection of stories to delight and surprise. You can explore all things A la Ronde here in one central place for the first time. We will be adding new stories for years to come.

Aerial image of the House, Grounds and Barn at A la Ronde, Devon.

The Estate 

Learn more about the estate at A la Ronde. With views over the countryside to the Exe estuary, the estate is as beautiful and varied as the house itself.

Conservation staff at A la Ronde, Devon, cleaning the collection

Our work at A la Ronde 

Our conservation team work hard all year around to look after the special collections of A la Ronde. Find out more about the work they do.