Discover more at Brownstone and Coleton Camp
Find out how to get to Brownstone and Coleton Camp, where to park, the things to see and do and more.
Brownstone Battery is one of the few remaining Second World War coastal defence positions. Hidden amongst the trees you'll come across a collection of fascinating buildings, including the gun and searchlight stations. Discover more about this surviving military history here.
With the threat of a German land invasion, gun batteries were placed strategically along the south coast. Brownstone Battery was built in 1940 to protect the Dart Estuary and nearby beaches Slapton and Blackpool Sands. It was manned by up to 300 soldiers, whose time was spent training and waiting for an invasion that never happened.
The battery has two gun positions, each housing a six-inch gun taken from a First World War battleship. They had a range of over 14 miles, and 13 men were needed to operate each gun.
The shells containing high explosives were propelled from the guns by 'charges'. These were either cordite, a silk bag filled with smaller bags of explosive, or a cartridge: a brass cylinder filled with explosive.
The reinforced concrete buildings housed two powerful searchlights which scanned the sea for enemy ships. Five men operated each searchlight, working on a shift system. Below the positions, the whole cliff area was covered in barbed wire.
The battery was decommissioned in the late 1950s and came into the care of the National Trust in 1981. By this time many of the original buildings had been removed or damaged, and over the years scrub spread over the site.
Our team of rangers work to keep the scrub at bay and create a good habitat for wildflowers, butterflies and rare birds such as cirl buntings. Sheep and pony grazing also help with this.
Meanwhile the large generator store has been colonised by lesser horseshoe bats.
Find out how to get to Brownstone and Coleton Camp, where to park, the things to see and do and more.
From battling bracken to restoring marshland habitat, our team of countryside rangers work constantly on the land around Brownstone & Coleton Camp.
Walk and explore quiet dog-friendly beaches with great coastal views. Spot a variety of wildlife, birdlife and flora that flourishes in the area.
Learn about people from the past, discover remarkable works of art and brush up on your knowledge of architecture and gardens.