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October Half Term

Get involved this October with a new family quest and the return of the teddy bear zip-wire!

  • Booking not needed
  • Free event (admission applies)

Bring your own teddy or borrow a furry Corfe Castle veteran and take them for a tour around the site before attaching it to the zip wire by the castle keep. As your teddy zooms down the zip wire they can help us inspect the work of the conservators as they carry out essential work to conserve Corfe Castle.

Join in with this family quest to find the hidden critters that call the castle home. Explore the castle ruins to discover how they help or hinder us looking after the castle. Complete your quest sheet to earn your conservation token.



Event ticket prices

This event is free, but normal admission charges apply for the venue.

Check admission prices

The basics


This is a family friendly event.

Meeting point

This event will start in the Outer Bailey of Corfe Castle.

What to bring and wear

Footwear and clothing appropriate for exploring a ruined castle.


This event will take you up steep slopes and steps. For an alternative version of quest please email

Upcoming events


Castle Critters family quest 

Can you find the castle critters? Explore the ruins to learn more about them and see if you are lucky enough to spot one on your adventure.

Event summary

17 Sep to 22 Nov 2024
10:00 to 16:30
+ 66 other dates or times

Artisan Crafts 

Watch demonstrations of heritage crafts from our friendly artisan volunteers.

Event summary

20 Sep to 13 Dec 2024
10:00 to 12:30
+ 12 other dates or times

Guided Walk - Purbeck Ridgeway and East Corfe Common 

Join our friendly guide on a guided walk exploring the cultural history of the landscape surrounding the village of Corfe Castle.

Event summary

25 Sep 2024
13:00 to 15:30

Dear Future: I Leave This Place For You - Corfe Castle 

Learn more about how a gift in your will could help us carry out crucial conservation work at Corfe Castle.

Event summary

3 Oct 2024
13:00 to 16:00