Mini Explorer Trail and Brass Rubbing
Pretend you are a young Vice-Admiral Thomas Hardy and head out on a Mini Explorer Adventure. This waymarked route is around 1 - 1.5 hours long and has 9 checkpoints to find with a brass rubbing and a fun task at each point. Ideal for families. Scroll to the end of this page and you will find the downloadable trail booklet which contains the map, instructions for each checkpoint and lots of fun facts.
Total steps: 1
Total steps: 1
Start point
The first checkpoint is at the information board near the stone bench at Hardy Monument car park. Here you have your first task to complete before setting out on the trail. To reach the second checkpoint walk past the monument (keeping it to your right), then very carefully cross over the road and follow the finger post sign to the right (directing you to Bronkham Hill) and which leads you to Smitten Corner. The route is waymarked with blue circular discs and each checkpoint has a brass rubbing to enjoy.
Step 1
Follow the trail by looking out for blue circular discs and 9 brass rubbing posts. If the monument is open to the public speak to one of our helpful team members who can give you a copy of the trail leaflet. For a self-led trail please download a copy of the booklet by clicking on the PDF at the end of this page. The trail leaflet contains lots of fun facts, instructions for tasks to do at each checkpoint and a map of the route.
End point
The last brass rubbing is at the stone benches which each have an engraving on them with instructions such as: 'Be Still, Listen, Breath', from this final point you can take an easy walk back to the National Trust car park.
Trail map

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Download the Mini Explorer Trail
Mini Explorer Trail for Hardy Monument
A self led trail around the Hardy Monument and surrounding land. Brass rubbings can be found at each checkpoint along with a fun task for children to enjoy.