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Thomas Hardy landscape walk

Explore the landscape of Thomas Hardy's imagination in this guided walk through Thorncombe Wood.

  • Booking not needed
  • Free event (admission applies)

This is a 2 hour walk led by one of our knowledgeable volunteers. Starting at the Visitor Centre and finishing at Hardy's Cottage, this walk includes poetry readings along the way linked to the natural surroundings of the woods and healthland.



Event ticket prices

This event is free, but normal admission charges apply for the venue.

Check admission prices

The basics


Children welcome

Meeting point

Meet at the Visitor Centre

What to bring and wear

Wear sturdy footwear. Waterproof clothing advised in wet weather.


Some uneven and steep terrain.


If you would like to visit inside the cottage after the walk you will need to book a ticket. We advise booking a ticket from 12:30pm onwards. Tickets for Hardy's Cottage can be booked via our website or by phoning the booking line on 0344 249 1895.