Accessibility at Newark Park

We want to make sure that Newark Park is accessible for all visitors. The historic house, gardens and estate we care for present challenges in creating access for all, but we are taking steps to ensure that as many people as possible are able to experience Newark's history and beauty.
Arrival and parking
- There are four designated Blue Badge holder parking spaces immediately to the right as you enter the car park. Visitors can be dropped off outside the house if needed.
- There are two pay an display machines for parking payments - members park for free, and are encouraged to scan their cards at the machine.
- The visitor reception welcome point is on the left side as you enter the car park, located approximately 10 metres from the Blue Badge parking spaces.
- An accessibility map is available from visior reception which indicates step-free routes around the site.
- There is an induction loop at visitor reception.
- The car park is open air, with a loose chippings and compacted surface. There is a gravel path leading from visitor reception round to the main house.
- Companion/carer admission is free.
Moving around the site
- Wheelchairs are free to hire.
- Guidance on step-free routes can be found at visitor reception.
- Ground surfaces are gravel, loose chippings and grass, with steep, sloped paths to the lower gardens.
- There is seating around the garden, including accessible picnic benches.
Moving around the house
- There is a low step to get into the house, and an access ramp available.
- The upper floors are accessed by a staircase.
- There are photobooks available of the upper floors of the house.
- Some of the rooms, especially on the south side of the house, enjoy lots of natural light. Other rooms have less direct sunlight and rely on artificial light.
- Assistance animals are allowed inside the house.
- Quiet space available on request.
- Pushchairs must be left outside the house - rain covers are available.
- Toilet with adaptations located in the toilet block on the right hand side of visitor reception. There is a small ramp at the entrance, and a changing table available.
- Toilet with baby change facilities.
- Induction loop available at tea pavilion.
- Large handled cutlery available from the tea pavilion.
Useful resources
- Sensory bags available to borrow for free from visitor reception (these include ear defenders).
- Large print map available from visitor reception.
- Braille guide available in the house.
- British Sign Language tour available on request with pre-booking.