Discover more at Knole
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Knole offers an award-winning and diverse programme that supports learning across the history, science, art, music and geography curriculum for all ages. Our experienced Children and Young People team can help you plan to get the most out of your visit, whether it is facilitated by us or delivered by you. We can also bring Knole to you, through our loan box and outreach programmes.
Knole is unique: an enormous medieval, Tudor and Jacobean mansion with a treasure trove of rare and precious items collected over hundreds of years. Set within the only remaining medieval deer park in Kent, there are plenty of opportunities to learn inside and out, engaging students of all ages whilst providing a fun day out too. At Knole we've a variety of resources on offer to help you deliver an engaging and interactive learning experience for students.
We offer educational visits throughout the academic year, 5 days a week. You can choose from a full day (10am-2.30pm) or some workshops can be delivered on a half day visit (10am-12pm or 12.30pm-2.30pm).
A summary of all the workshops on offer is below and you can also download a summary of all Knole’s education workshops
Please get in touch with our Children and Young People team at Knole to discuss your requirements further and enquire about dates.
The following workshops are suitable for KS1 and KS2 students and can be run as a full day or half day session. A full day workshop costs £6 per student and a half day workshop costs £4.50 per student. Admission charges also apply.
The Great Hall, Orangery and parts of the deer park are all wheelchair accessible. Our learning team will be delighted to organise specific activities, such as music, costume or handling sessions to suit the needs of your pupils.
Knole’s learning team also offer an outreach programme to primary and secondary schools around Kent. These engaging sessions create an immersive learning experience with multi-sensory handling collections that span a range of topics.
The sessions last approximately half a day with a break in the middle. If there are two classes in the same year, you may wish to book one session in the morning and one in the afternoon to allow for interaction.
An outreach visit will cost £4.50 per pupil. Choose from any of the following themed boxes:
The following workshops are interactive, engaging and fun but delve a bit deeper with more thought and analysis required from students. A full day workshop costs £6 per student and a half day workshop costs £4.50 per student. Admission charges also apply.
Teachers can plan their own trip to Knole to suit their programme of study. These self-led visits are designed for Key Stages 1 and 2. All self-led visits are free with an EGAP but must be booked in advance.
We offer self-led backpacks to help you with your visit. Choose from:
History: Discover Knole’s showrooms and courtyards
Science: Investigate nature in Knole’s parkland
If you are visiting with students and do not require a self-led pack, you still need to book your visit in advance.
This project will allow pupils to get practical experience with Knole’s handling collections, to introduce artefacts and historical enquiry in order to create a mini-museum exhibition. The multi-sensory objects and activities allow for cross-curricular skills to be developed and can be linked to other topic work within the classroom.
Topics for exhibition include:
Please get in touch if you would like to know more about the learning team at Knole or our award-winning and diverse programme. We offer primary and secondary school visits as well as bespoke post-16 educational visits to Knole.
For further information or booking please email us at KnoleLearningTeam@nationaltrust.org.uk or call 01732 467155.
School visits take place throughout the academic year on weekdays. A full day visit runs from 10am to 2.30pm, or some workshops can be delivered on a half day basis, either 10am-12pm or 12.30-2.30pm. All visits start with an introductory talk and we recommend everyone brings a packed lunch.
We can accommodate groups of up to 60 children per day. Enough adults need to accompany the children according to the following ratios: 1:4 for Reception, 1:6 for KS1, 1:8 for KS2, 1:10 for KS3. These ratios do not provide for one-to-one support. Regardless of pupil to adult ratios, a minimum of two adults must be present on the visit.
All activities will be led by members of our experienced learning team who will be delighted to share their extensive knowledge of Knole with you. Please note however, that the behaviour of the students remains your responsibility at all times.
Schools can get free admission by taking out an Education Group Access Pass (EGAP). This is an annual membership giving free access to all National Trust sites (terms and conditions apply).
To find out more about EGAPs call 0344 800 1895, email enquiries@nationaltrust.org.uk or visit Membership | Education Group Access Pass
Find out when Knole is open, how to get here, the things to see and do and more.
Pre-booked groups get great benefits including reduced price admission, refreshments for the coach driver, free admission for the group leader and free parking for your coach.
Knole was built to impress. Come and explore the grandeur of its showrooms, the hidden secrets of the attics and the rooms Eddy Sackville-West called home in the Gatehouse Tower.