Discover more at Oldbury Hill
Find out how to get to Oldbury Hill, where to park, the things to see and do and more.
Walking through the woodland at Oldbury Hill, you'd be forgiven for thinking that it was just that – a woodland. But there's much more to it than meets the eye. Beneath the canopy of trees lies one of the largest and finest Iron Age hillforts in Britain, dating back thousands of years.
Built into the hill about 100 BC, the hillfort (sometimes known as Oldbury Camp) was a defensive settlement. Covering an area of 123 acres, its defences included over two miles of ramparts (banks or walls) and palisades (high wooden fences with no space between posts).
Set along a main route from Maidstone to Godstone, Oldbury Hill had commanding views across the Weald. As its eastern side was naturally steep, earthwork defences were only needed on three sides. Wood for the fences was in good supply, and fresh water also wasn’t a problem, as natural springs fed a pond.
People were living at Oldbury Hill 55,000 years ago, in the middle of the Stone Age, but the hillfort came much later. Unlike other hillforts, which were built to protect wealthy individuals or whole communities, there is no evidence to suggest the site was permanently occupied.
It's believed that the site was used as a temporary shelter – a place of refuge or a stopping place en route, although little surveying has taken place since the early 20th century and there have been great advances in archaeological research since.
In around 100 BC it was rapidly constructed with a single bank and ditch, possibly to protect against Belgic invaders. However the later reinforced fortifications show that the Belgae were in control of the site.
Whoever lived at the hillfort, even temporarily, certainly left in a hurry around 50 BC. Evidence of burning and piles of slingshots on the site shows they would have been no match for the invading Roman army.
Making use of its position along the main communications route, the Romans also occupied the site for a while before moving into the hamlets at the bottom of the hill.
Find out how to get to Oldbury Hill, where to park, the things to see and do and more.
Discover Oldbury Hill near Sevenoaks in Kent – home to some wonderful woodland and one of the largest and finest Iron Age hillforts in the country.
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