June/July/August 2024
Rooves and Holes
The 'Jane' emplacement crew shelter roof had been leaking during the heavy rain earlier in the year. Excavations for the power and water supply to the building showed that the thick bitumen flashing, applied during construction, had cracked and, in some cases, separated from the building. The back and two sides of the roof that were buried under the earth bund were excavated and a heavy-duty sealing membrane was applied. The flashing on the front of the building was surprisingly intact, despite being exposed to the elements for over 80 years. Initial trials with the recent thunderstorms showed that the roof was once again watertight. The bunding around the roof edge was restored in early September and with vegetation regrowth, the repair will soon be invisible.
During the work to excavate the emplacement infrastructure, we discovered many underground chambers. Some were nearly 9 metres deep, where cables, pipes and drains were run into the gun pit and to the surrounding buildings and services. In most cases, the inspection covers had been buried or scrapped and were either badly corroded or completely missing. Additionally, the 1957 demolition of the gun had badly damaged some of the concrete surrounds for these pits, causing the brickwork to give way. For safety, temporary covers had been placed over the holes. During the summer, the team proved it could turn its hand to (almost) anything and meticulously rebuilt the concrete and brickwork and set new covers in place.
While this was going on, maintenance on the rest of the site continued.