Sept/Oct/Nov 2024
Drainage and brickwork
During the autumn, work on the Jane emplacement has focussed on improving the drainage of the gun pintle and breech pit. During heavy rain, both structures rapidly filled with water, with the pintle overflowing into the breech pit. The drainage team have focussed on restoring the original drainage with a succession of workdays clearing a large amount of debris from the drains and in doing so discovering a lot of old cables, which would likely have carried power and signals to the gun. Samples of the cables have been taken and these will be analysed to attempt to determine their purpose. Drainage is now much improved, with the pintle and breech pit draining freely and the training rail largely water free, save for some shallow ponding due to originally inconsistent concrete levels.
The rest of the team have been clearing the Clem magazines' brickwork. As with Jane, the brickwork at Clem has suffered from frost and invasive vegetation damage, leading to 'spalling' where some of the brickwork at the entrances has detached from the base structure. A large amount of vegetation overgrowth was cleared from the brickwork, while leaving the surrounding areas undisturbed. The detached brickwork will be removed and will be replaced by our restoration partner in a similar manner to that achieved at Jane (see the blog entry for April/May 2023). The removed vegetation has been used to create natural dead-hedges and invertebrate habitats elsewhere on the site.