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Lake District

Kendal to Sizergh along the River Kent

The river Kent, running through woodland in the spring. The water is flowing fast across mossy limestone, and the trees are beginning to grow leaves. It's a sunny day, and the sky in the distance is blue.
The river Kent | © James Dobson

A walk from the historic heart of Kendal to the pastures of the 13th-century Sizergh estate, along the banks of the beautiful river Kent.

Total stages: 16

Total stages: 16

Start point

Kendal Market Square, grid ref: 516928, post code: LA9 4TR

Stage 1

With the market square behind you, turn left on Stricklandgate and walk south. Once you reach the Town Hall, cross Lowther Street and walk straight on as far as Dowker's Lane, which connects to Abbot Hall Park.

Stage 2

At Dowker's Lane, turn left and enter Abbot Hall park. Walk through the park and cross the pedestrian bridge.

Stage 3

Cross the road and turn left on Aynam Road, then immediately right onto the quiet residential Queen Katherine Street. At the top of the street join the footpath which connects you to the historic Kendal to Lancaster canal trail. Turn right along the traffic-free trail, which will take you through Kendal to the river Kent.

Stage 4

At Park Side Road, safely cross the road and re-join the canal trail on the other side.

Stage 5

At Burton Road, safely cross the road and re-join the canal trail on the other side.

Stage 6

Where the canal trail meets Natland Road, cross the road and walk along Watercrook Lane which is a narrow country lane with very little traffic.

Stage 7

At the end of the short lane, just before the farm stead, look for a footpath finger post on the left to join the footpath and cross through farm gates to walk across a field path. In the second field the path leads down to the river Kent.

Stage 8

Follow the footpath alongside the river Kent and enjoy the scenery, created by one of the shortest rivers in England.

A medium- to large-sized bird with long legs and neck and a long, pointed beaks standing in the water in the River Kent, next to a limestone rock formation.
The river Kent is an SSSI, and campaigners at the Clean River Kent Campaign are working to ensure it stays clean for people and nature. | © Nicola Fearnley, Clean River Kent Campaign

Stage 9

At Hawes Bridge, turn right to walk a few metres along the country lane (Hawes Lane) and re-join the footpath on the left hand side, just before the bridge, to re-join the path alongside the river Kent.

View along a wooden footbridge across the river on the estate at Sizergh Castle, Cumbria
The suspension bridge on Sizergh's estate | © National Trust Images/Annapurna Mellor

Stage 10

Cross the suspension bridge and turn right. You have now entered the site of the old gunpowder works at Sizergh, and you'll pass two cottages which used to be the office where workers would clock in. Follow the minor road and you will come to an atmospheric building clad in ivy called the Sawmill and Watch house. Turn left to walk behind the ivy clad building to reach a track at the rear.

Remains of the gunpowder works at Sedgwick on Sizergh's estate.
Remains of the gunpowder works at Sedgwick on Sizergh's estate. | © National Trust Images/James Dobson

Stage 11

Turn right on the track, and look for a footpath through woods on the left hand side. Follow the footpath to a wall which marks the corner of a field.

Stage 12

At the corner of the field you will find a gate which takes you into the Low Sizergh farm trail. Turn left to follow the farm trail, which is marked with small arrows up through the farm and a camping field.

Stage 13

At the camping field follow the track around and enter the farm yard at Low Sizergh farm, an organic dairy farm. Check the website for opening hours.

Stage 14

Leaving the farm, turn left and follow the minor road alongside the hedge (with the A591 behind). At the bend in the road, you can take a shortcut path on the right hand side through woods.

Stage 15

Rejoining the road, turn right and pass through the road tunnel beneath the A591.

Stage 16

After passing through the road tunnel, walk along the country lane and turn right at the entry point into the Sizergh estate, which is marked by a large black sign. Follow the drive up to the Visitor Centre. At the cattle grid there is an option to turn left and walk alongside the top of the historic ha-ha, then rejoin the drive and enter the car park.

View of Sizergh's grey stone manor house, outbuildings, garden and surrounding estate from above. It's a sunny spring day, and the grass is green.
Sizergh's estate, garden and house, seen from above | © James Dobson

End point

Sizergh carpark, grid ref: SD498878

Trail map

A map of the route from Kendal to Sizergh along the river Kent.
Map of the route from Kendal to Sizergh along the river Kent. | © Dan Taylor

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View of Sizergh's grey stone manor house, outbuildings, garden and surrounding estate from above. It's a sunny spring day, and the grass is green.


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Get in touch

Sizergh, near Kendal, Cumbria, LA8 8DZ

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