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Booking your visit to Stoneywell

Exterior view of Stoneywell, Leicestershire. Stoneywell was built as a summer home by Arts and Crafts architect-designer Ernest Gimson for his brother Sidney.
The cottage and garden at Stoneywell | © National Trust Images/James Dobson

Book a visit to a cottage designed by Arts and Crafts architect-designer Ernest Gimson. Explore the cottage at your own pace or with a cottage host - you can choose which you'd prefer at the start of your visit. Here’s some information about what to expect when you visit and how to book.

How to book 

The cottage, garden and woodland are open between Friday and Monday until 2 November 2025. Because we are small, you’ll need to book your visit in advance. 

  • Your booking slot is your time of arrival in the car park, you are then welcome to spend as long as possible on site until the last return shuttle at 4.45pm
  • Entry and parking is free for members, but please bring your membership card with you. Non-members will need to pay in advance.
  • Please book one ticket per person, except for children aged 5 or under as they don't need a ticket.
  • Bookings are for your use only and are not available for resale.
  • We'll send your booking confirmation by email. Please make sure you fill in your correct email address when you book to ensure you receive your confirmation email.

Upon arrival, you can choose to explore the cottage and grounds at your own pace, or you can join a 40 minute guided tour of the cottage, where spaces are limited and on a first come first served basis. You are not able to pre-book a guided tour before your arrival. Instead, our friendly team will book you onto a tour upon your arrival at Stoneywell. 

  • Guided tours of the cottage are available at 11am,11.20am, 11.40am, 12 noon, 1.40pm, 2pm, 2.20pm, and 2.40pm. 
  • You can explore the cottage at your leisure between 10am and 10.45am, between 12.30pm and 1.30pm, or between 3.15pm and 4.15pm. 



Changing your booking 

If you set up an account when you made your booking, you will be able to amend the date/time of your booking online up to 24 hours before the date of your visit, or by calling 0344 249 1895

If you are a member and can no longer attend, please let us know by giving us a call on 0344 249 1895


When you arrive

  • All visitors must arrive at the car park. Please arrive ten minutes before your booking.
  • Small campervans that are used for transport are welcome for pre-booked visitors, but are not permitted to stay overnight.
  • Due to the size of the car park we’re unable to welcome caravans and coaches.
  • If arriving by car, please have your pre-booked tickets/booking confirmation to hand and your National Trust membership cards, if you're members, to show to the team in the car park.

Useful information for your visit

  • We're using a booking system for visits to manage the visitor numbers across the site and to spread out arrivals throughout the day. Please arrive within your half-hour timeslot. If you’re more than ten minutes late for your arrival slot, entry will be at the discretion of the property team.
  • Stoneywell is a short distance from the car park and all visitors must take the shuttle for the remainder of the journey. If it isn’t in the car park when you arrive it won’t be too far away.  
  • The cottage can be explored at your leisure at regular times throughout the day.
  • If you would like to enjoy one of our guided tours you'll be given a token at the stableyard to hand in at the front door of the cottage at the start of your tour.
  • You’re welcome to stay as long as you like until the last return shuttle to the car park at 4.45pm. 
A view of the north end of Stoneywell, an Arts and Crafts cottage, with a sloping lawn on the right and a bare tree in front of the house on the left

Book your visit

Please note you need to book tickets to Stoneywell. You can book for today up until 8am. Every Thursday time slots will be available for the next 14 days.

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