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Accessibility at Oxburgh Estate

A young wheelchair user in the kitchen garden at Oxburgh, about to enter the bookshop.
Accessibility at Oxburgh Estate | © National Trust Images/Louise Turner

Across the gardens, wider estate and in the Hall, we have been working hard to improve access and make Oxburgh a welcoming place for everyone who visits.

Arrival and parking

  • When you arrive at the carpark, Blue Badge parking and a drop-off point are located near to the Visitor Welcome area and are signposted. There are 9 Blue Badge spaces.
  • The carpark does have some uneven ground, but the main route in to the estate from the Blue Badge area is flat.

Getting around outdoors during your visit

  • A powered mobility vehicle (PMV) as well as manual wheelchairs and a Mountain Trike all-terrain wheelchair are all available to borrow from the Welcome Team on arrival. Pre-booking is advised and you can do that by emailing us via
  • In addition, an all terrain Mountain Trike wheelchair especially for children to borrow will also be available from the end of September 2024.
  • When you enter the gardens, there are some gravel pathways leading around the gardens and down to the hall. The garden is a mixture of shallow gravel paths and lawns. There are two steep slopes in garden, but alternative routes are available.

Getting around the Hall and our indoor spaces

  • Entry to the hall is via a ramp.
  • The ground floor of the hall is wheelchair accessible although some doorways are narrow and may not be suitable for some PMVS. A wheelchair is available to borrow on request.
  • Seating/rest spaces are available at regular intervals throughout the hall.
  • The chapel in the grounds also has ramped entry. (Please note that the opening of the chapel is dependent on volunteer availability).
  • The gift shop and second hand book shop have level access and the doorways are wide enough for most wheelchairs too.

Facilities at Oxburgh

  • An accessible toilet is located on the ground floor of the hall, just as you enter the main courtyard area.
  • The Servants Hall Tearoom is located just off the courtyard, and there is level access. There is seating both inside and out.
  • The Pantry Kiosk is located next to the Visitor Welcome area, before you enter the estate. It has level access and seating outside. Its open on our busier days and during the summer months.
  • There is a seperate picnic area near to the Visitor Welcome area too which is laid to lawn. There are accessible picnic benches there also.

Other useful resources

  • A map detailing the walking routes and accessibility across the site is avaiable from Visitor Welcome when you arrive.
  • Hearing induction loops are available from Vistor Welcome when you arrive.
  • Sensory bags that include fidget toys, ear defenders and magnifying glass are available to borrow at the entrance to the hall.
  • A Braille guide and large text print guides are available to borrow.
  • Large-handled cutlery as well as red and blue plastic plates, bowls, and single and double handled cups are available to use.

We want to hear from you too!

We are always interested to learn more about accessibility at Oxburgh so if you have suggestions on how we could further improve on what we already have, please do get in touch either via email or by filling in a feedback card before you leave. You can find those in the Information Hut, just next to the entrance.

A visitor reads an 'Accessibility' document while sat on a mobility scooter known as a Tramper in the parkland at Croome, Worcestershire
Exploring the parkland on a Tramper | © National Trust Images / James Dobson
A female visitor is seen exploring the wider parkland areas of the estate, using a PMV

Accessibility information in more detail...

You can find out about the access at Oxburgh Estate in more detail on our AcessAble page