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Trees of Hope

Walkers on the path besides the wall at Hadrian's Wall and Housesteads Fort, Northumberland
Sycamore Gap tree on Hadtian's Wall | © John Millar

Over the last year, the partnership jointly led by the National Trust and Northumberland National Park Authority and Historic England have been working together with other partners to find inspiring ways to ensure the legacy of the iconic Sycamore Gap tree lives on.

The launch of ‘Trees of Hope’

We're delighted to offer the opportunity for people to request one of the Sycamore Gap saplings.

The ‘Trees of Hope’ initiative, where 49 saplings – one to represent each foot of the height that the tree was at the time of felling, will be gifted to communities around the country.

People from around the UK are invited to apply for a tree to plant in publicly accessible spaces, which have emotional connections with people and communities.

In announcing our ‘Trees of Hope’ initiative, we aim to find new homes for the Sycamore Gap saplings in community settings across the UK so that people can engage with the Sycamore Gap Tree and its story.

Our hope is that it will enable more people to feel included in the story of the tree and to become part of its legacy, helping to create a new chapter in the life of this much-loved tree.

Who can apply?

The 49 Sycamore Gap saplings will be awarded to individuals, groups, and organisations and is to be planted in publicly accessible community places across the UK.

Each of these 49 saplings will carry a message of hope and regeneration.

We want to make sure we reach a range of people and places - for full eligibility criteria and an outline of the judging process please read the full Terms and Conditions below.

Terms and Conditions


Entries to the competition must be made on the entry form Trees of Hope application formand must be submitted on or before 23:59 on 25 October 2024 (the ‘Closing Date’).

Prize winners will be notified by email on or before 18 November 2024.

Subject to receiving prize winners’ consent, we intend to announce their names during National Tree Week (23 November - 1 December 2024).

We aim to deliver prizes in early spring or late autumn 2025 and at the latest by 30 March 2026.


There will be 49 prizes of one sapling each. They are expected to be a minimum of 6ft tall on delivery.

The saplings must not be used for propagation or commercial purposes.

Important notes

The competition is free to enter.

It is your responsibility to check there are no restrictions that would prevent you from planting a Sycamore sapling in your preferred location.

Prize winners may incur costs in collecting prizes from pick-up points.

Full term and conditions apply.

Terms and Conditions

  1. The competition is not open to employees of the National Trust, the Northumberland National Park Authority, Historic England or Hadrian's Wall Partnership (together the ‘Sycamore Gap Partnership Board’) or anyone else associated with the competition.
  2. All information made available to entrants as part of the process of entering the competition forms part of these terms and conditions.
  3. The competition is free to enter. No purchase of any kind is necessary.
  4. To be eligible to enter the competition you must be a community group located in the United Kingdom. Community groups do not need to be legal entities.
  5. The proposed location of any sapling must not be beyond a pay barrier.
  6. The person submitting an entry on behalf of your community group must be 16 years or over.
  7. We may require proof that you are eligible to enter the competition.
  8. There is a limit of one entry per community group. Any entrant that submits multiple entries will be disqualified.
  9. You are responsible for checking that there are no restrictions that prohibit you from planting the sapling in the intended location (including necessary permissions from relevant landowners and any statutory designations for or planning restrictions on the land).
  10. We recommend you read the Sycamore Information and Advice
  11. We do not guarantee that the saplings will survive, and we will not replace them if they die.
  12. Winners will be those who give the best answers to the following questions (each question has equal weight):
  • How was the Sycamore Gap tree important to your community group?
  • Why would you like to win a sapling?
  • How does your entry reflect one of the following themes: hope, community, culture, heritage, nature, wellbeing and celebration?
  • What would a sapling mean to your community group?
  1. Entries will be judged by a panel of judges that will include representatives of the members of the Sycamore Gap Partnership Board and at least one independent judge (the ‘Panel’).
  2. A total of 49 approximately 6 ft high Sycamore saplings grown from seeds of the Sycamore Gap tree are available as prizes.
  3. Winners will be notified by email on or before 18 November 2024.
  4. We aim to deliver prizes in tree planting season in early Spring or late Autumn 2025 and at the latest by 30 March 2026.
  5. We will either publish the surname (or community group name) and county of each of the prize winners or make that information available on request. If you object to your surname or group name and county being published, please contact us at
  6. Responsibility cannot be taken for entries that are corrupted, lost, delayed or mislaid.
  7. Subject to the consent of prize winners, we would aim to use their name, photograph, and extracts from their entries in publicity on National Trust channels including the website, magazine, and social media.
  8. You confirm you do not intend to sell the sapling or use its wood, leaves or seeds for propagation or commercial gain.
  9. We will deliver each sapling to a designated pick-up point close to each prize winner but we will not be responsible for any transport or accommodation costs incurred in collecting the prize from the pick-up point.
  10. We will provide planting guidance and tree guards for each sapling, but we will not be responsible for the care of or any costs relating to the sapling after delivery.
  11. Events may occur that may render the competition itself or the awarding of the prizes impossible due to reasons beyond our control and accordingly we may vary or amend the promotion. We will do everything we reasonably can to ensure that entrants receive similar prizes.
  12. By entering the competition, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.
  13. These terms and conditions are governed by English law, and the parties submit to the non-exclusive authority of the courts of England and Wales.
  14. There will be no cash alternative and prizes are non-transferable.
  15. Personal data supplied during this competition will be processed as set out in our Privacy Policy.
  16. You agree that your personal data may be shared with the Panel.
  17. This competition is promoted by The National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty (Registered Charity Number 205846) of Heelis, Kemble Drive, Swindon SN2 2NA.

How to apply

Please view and complete the 'Trees of Hope' application form: Trees of Hope application form

Please read the Terms and Conditions (above) before applying.

Applications for a ‘Tree of Hope’ will open on 27 September, which will mark one year on since the illegal felling took place (overnight on 27 and into the morning of 28 September).

The National Trust will accept applications until 23:59 on the 25 October 2024.

The 49 successful applicants will be announced during National Tree Week which runs from 23 November - 1 December 2024.

A close up of the tops of two sycamore tree saplings, side by side in a greenhouse

Apply for a Sycamore Gap sapling

Complete the application form before 23:59 on 25 October 2024. The 49 successful applicants will be announced during National Tree Week which runs from 23 November - 1 December 2024.

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