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Lough Erne Landscape Partnership Project

Castle ruins at Crom, Country Fermanagh.
Castle ruins at Crom, Country Fermanagh. | © National Trust Images/Chris Lacey

This project, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) through the Environment Fund, has opened routes previously inaccessible at Crom.

Project background

The aim of Crom Landscape Project was to increase public access, as well as to improve and develop community involvement and participation at the estate.

This project was one of 45 projects by the Lough Erne Landscape Partnership (LELP), which aimed to ‘achieve a vision of a vibrant and sustainable rural economy through a co-ordinated approach to the protection and enhancement of Lough Erne’s unique heritage.

The new trail network will improve visitor access within the estate, providing opportunities to view this magical scenery and the interplay of land and water as intended by Gilpin who landscaped Crom in the 1830s.

Project updates

November 2018

Heritage Lottery Fund visits Crom

We were delighted to host representatives from our funders, The Heritage Lottery Fund, to Crom. This project will increase access by creating new paths and reinstating parts of the 18th century historical trails. This will open in total 10.5km of trails giving people access to the lough, the built heritage, ancient woodland and stunning meadows.

This project will also collaborate with schools and community groups allowing children to understand the connection with nature through play.