Spring inspired Dog Photography Sessions
Join us this March for a Spring themed green grass of home dog photography session in the gardens!
- Booking not needed
- Free event (admission applies)
How it works...
Costs Normal admission applies, member entry free. Digital photographs are purchased separately after the event.
How Long?
Gail will be onsite from 10.30 am to 3.30pm and you can find her out on the North Lawn. You do not need to book in advance, you can turn up on the day.
These sessions will take place in a small area within the beautiful grounds of the estate. Mount Stewart has a strict ‘dog on leads’ policy and all dogs must be kept on lead at all times. To learn more about enjoying Mount Stewart with your dog check out their Dog Code
I will have thin leads available on the day to use & these will be magically edited out of the final images.
Event ticket prices
This event is free, but normal admission charges apply for the venue.
Check admission pricesUpcoming events
March Book Fair
In celebration of World Book Day head to Mount Stewart for the second-hand book fair.
Guided Garden Walks - Spring Edition
Come and join a member of the Gardens Team on a tour which will look at seasonal highlights from late winter and spring, including trees, flowering shrubs and bulbs.
St Patrick's Day Weekend
Celebrate St Patrick's Day weekend at Mount Stewart with delicious traditional food, a Irish mythology family friendly garden tour and the perfect photo op in the Shamrock Garden.
NI Science Week - Mount Stewart’s Amazing Microclimate
Explore Mount Stewart’s unique gardens, known for their Mediterranean and exotic plants, while learning about the impact of climate change on their future.