All about supporter groups
Find more information on supporter groups and up-to-date contact details for each group.
Interested in making the most of the National Trust near you in Northern Ireland? Join a supporter group near you in Northern Ireland to enjoy trips and social activities with like-minded people, as well as raising funds for local places.
Getting together with other National Trust enthusiasts, members and volunteers who feel passionate about the same things is priceless. Sharing unique experiences and finding out more about the places you care about is what being part of a local National Trust supporter group is all about.
From listening to expert talks and going on behind-the-scenes tours to taking relaxing holidays or restoring natural habitats in the great outdoors, you’ll be part of something amazing. Supporter groups promote and assist the National Trust’s work within their local area and raise money for conservation and development projects through all kinds of events.
The Belfast association was founded over 40 years ago to enhance and promote the work of the National Trust and provide members with opportunities to share common interests and meet like-minded people.
Raising funds for the Trust is also an important part of the Association’s activities. In recent years they have supported special projects at Minnowburn and Rowallane Garden.
Through their activities, the Fermanagh Association support Florence Court, Castle Coole and Crom, helping to protect these special places for everyone, for ever.
The North Coast Association (NCA) was founded in 1985 to support and promote the National Trust, raising funds for our work and projects through a programme of annual events.
Find more information on supporter groups and up-to-date contact details for each group.
Use the supporter group directory (PDF) to find membership enquiry contact details and links to group websites for further information.
Discover a variety of volunteer opportunities on the North Coast, with something to suit everyone.
Discover a variety of volunteer opportunities in Belfast, with something to suit everyone.