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Sandilands Nature Reserve

An image showing the land at sandilands with a welcome buiding in the background. A big cafe sign can be seen and it is in dark colours.
An artist impression of the new welcome hub at Sandiland | © National Trust / Jonathan Hendry Architects

Sandilands is located on a significant stretch of the English coastline and attracts migrating water birds. Discover some of the important conservation work we have planned, including habitat creation and improved access for everyone to enjoy this special place.

A new haven for nature on Lincolnshire's wild coast

We plan to create a new 30-hectare nature reserve at Sandilands, providing homes for a variety of wildlife, especially uncommon migratory birds such as black-tailed godwit, spotted redshank and spoonbill along with breeding birds like snipe, lapwing and oystercatcher. Sandilands forms a vital part of National Trust’s increased commitment to protecting nature and tackling climate change.

A collaborative approach

We are working closely with the Lincolnshire Coastal Country Park, alongside the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust, the Environment Agency, Lincolnshire County Council and East Lindsey District Council to transform the landscape at Sandilands back to its natural roots.

Sandilands is especially important as it falls on the east coast 'flyway' migration route for birds. By working with local partners, our goal is to create an amazing place for people to immerse themselves in nature and really connect with the wonders that the Lincolnshire coast has to offer.

A picture of an owl swooping around with his wings outstretched at Sandilands nature reserve
A short-eared owl flying around at Sandilands nature reserve | © Garry Wright

Nature, beauty and history

In March 2020, the National Trust acquired the former Sandilands golf course, on the Lincolnshire coast. This was thanks to a generous donation from a supporter, who specifically asked for the money to be invested in Lincolnshire, along with funds from the Neptune Coastline Campaign. It is the first coastal acquisition the National Trust has made in Lincolnshire.

Our goal is to develop a thriving coastal environment for wildlife, local communities, and visitors. We aim to provide access to nature throughout the seasons, with a priority on creating more wildlife habitat.

A quote by Katie ScottNational Trust Area Ranger

This exciting project aims to develop a year-round nature experience. Sandilands Golf Club was formed in 1952, but the site had been used as a golf course since 1894. The transformation of Sandilands is designed to enhance benefits for both wildlife and people.

A birds eye picture of the land at sandilands with wetland ponds created by an artist so show how it will look when work beings on the site
An artist impression of the wetland habitat created by the project | © National Trust / Peter Farmer / Wayne Lagden

Habitats and wildlife

We will create new habitats for a variety of wildlife. The transformation of the landscape will bring Sandilands back to its natural roots. It will feature open water, islands, reedbeds, and ponds with walkways and boardwalks.

The new habitats will be especially important for migrating water birds such as spotted redshank and little stint and will continue to provide a home for our well-loved local bird species like skylarks and meadow pipits. Sandilands is also a great place for rare plants such as birdsfoot clover to grow, so the action we are taking will help support them too.

A quote by Carl HawkeNational Trust Nature Conservation Adviser

There will be grasslands and sand dunes to encourage local wildlife and migratory birds to settle, rest, or start families. Sandilands will be a haven for wildlife, allowing people to connect with various plants, animals, and environments throughout the year.

Access for everyone

A range of walkways and boardwalks will be installed to ensure convenient and safe access for everyone across this visionary landscape. There will also be a visitor welcome building at the northern tip of the reserve, that will contain a café and a community space. A Changing Place facility, which is suitable for children and adults with accessibility needs is one of the first things to be added at Sandilands.

Our vision for this new nature reserve is to provide a space where everyone can enjoy the benefits of being in nature. Improving accessibility to the site is a primary objective of the Sandilands project.

The Sandilands project

April 2020

A new home for nature

National Trust has acquired 2km of Lincolnshire coastal land to help create a new 30 hectare, (74 acre), coastal nature reserve.  

Working in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council, Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust, and East Lindsey District Council the reserve will form part of the Lincolnshire Coastal Country Park to help protect wildlife. 

It is the first coastal acquisition the conservation charity has made in Lincolnshire. 

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Our partners

Lincolnshire County Council

Lincolnshire County Council is the local government organisation that governs the county of Lincolnshire in England.

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East Lindsey District Council

ELDC is one of the largest District Councils in England, covering 700 square miles, including part of the Lincolnshire coastline as well as the Lincolnshire Wolds.

Visit website 

The Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust

Protecting Lincolnshire's wildlife for the future. The Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust looks after nearly 100 nature reserves, gives wildlife a voice, and inspires people to take action for wildlife.

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Lincolnshire Coastal Country Park

Where the coast meets the countryside. From Sandilands to Chapel St Leonards, the coastal country park contains beaches, nature reserves, walks and so much more.

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Natural England

Natural England is the government’s adviser for the natural environment in England. They help to protect and restore our natural world.

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Environment Agency

Environmental Agency is a public body sponsored by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, working to create better places for people and wildlife, and support sustainable development.

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