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Landscape Recovery Project on the Holnicote Estate

Wildflower meadow at Holnicote Estate, Somerset
Wildflower meadow at Holnicote Estate, Somerset | © National Trust Images/Nick Upton

The Landscape Recovery Project on the Holnicote Estate aims to deliver significant change across 6,700 acres of adjoining land. Our long-term vision is to work with natural processes to develop nature-rich, naturally functioning river corridors throughout the estate and neighbouring land. In partnership with our tenant farmers, stakeholders, and the local community we want to explore ways to deliver long-term, large-scale land use change.

A holistic approach

The Landscape Recovery scheme works with natural processes to develop broad river corridors that are reconnected with the surrounding landscape. This nature-based approach will deliver a long-term and sustainable increase in ecosystem function and catchment resilience. We will establish a ‘roadmap’ of natural river corridors in the two river catchments, focusing on widening river corridors and using nature-based solutions to help reconnect river systems with the surrounding landscape.

Working together

We'll be working with landowners and tenant farmers to deliver land management options that integrate bespoke farming models and viable farm payments for 20-year agreements designed in collaboration with Triodos bank during development. We will also engage and consult with the local community and visitors on the ‘river corridor’ approach to our land management plan.

Nature-based solutions

Low tech river restoration interventions with be developed and delivered, including replicating beaver dams, post assisted log structures, and tree planting. Keystone species reintroductions (a species that will have a significant effect on its natural environment) will be implemented, supported by a management plan considering risks and opportunities scoped out during the development phase. Plus we will continue the monitoring plan for priority habitats, target species, and river catchment function including hydromorphological, ecological, soil, carbon, and drone surveys.

Beaver swimming in the beaver enclosure at Holnicote Estate in Somerset

Virtual tour of Holnicote beaver enclosure 

Take an interactive 360° virtual tour of the beaver enclosure on the Holnicote Estate in Somerset and discover how the beavers have been transforming this wetland habitat.


Riverlands project at Porlock Vale 

Find out how the Porlock Vale Riverlands project on Exmoor has created a natural ecosystem to prevent flooding and encourage a wider habitat to attract wildlife.


Restoring Peatland on the Holnicote Estate 

We are working to restore the peatland at Alderman’s Barrow Allotment, on the high moorland of the Holnicote Estate, as part of the South West Peatland Project.