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Darlunio o natur- Ymwybyddiaeth Ofalgar / Drawing nature - creative mindfullness

Unique Creative mindfulness workshop with professional art educator Tina Cunningham.

  • Booking essential

Set in Colby Woodland Gardens, this unique workshop has been developed to guide your focus creatively on the amazing natural world and to shut out distractions. Learn to document your experience through drawing, painting and printing.

This workshop is delivered in groups of up to 6 participants for all abilities.

Book a single session or, return for further sessions with a discount.

Bring your own sketchbook or order one from Tina for £7.



Event ticket prices

Ticket typeTicket category
All all£35.00

The basics

Booking details

Call 01994 240719 Please book through the link to Eventbrite.

Meeting point

Meet in the meadow

What to bring and wear

Clothing appropriate for the weather


Members park free. Normal parking charges apply for non-members. bring your own packed lunch or buy from The Bothy tearoom.

Upcoming events


Llwybr Pryfed Peillio Hunan-dywysedig / Self-led Pollinator trail 

Dewch i gwrdd â’r pryfed peillio sy’n byw yma a hawliwch wobr pan fyddwch chi wedi gorffen / Meet our resident pollinators and get a prize when you finish

Event summary

3 Jul to 1 Sep 2024
10:00 to 16:00
+ 60 other dates or times

Ffotograffiaeth i ddechreuwyr / Photography for Beginners 

Dan arweiniad y ffotograffydd sydd wedi ennill gwobrau, Andrew Warren / Led by award winning photographer Andrew Warren.

Event summary

5 Jul to 12 Sep 2024
01:30 to 15:30
+ 2 other dates or times

Ioga yn y ddôl / Yoga in the meadow 

Mwynhewch ddynameg ioga mewn lleoliad awyr agored hardd / Enjoy dynamic yoga in a beautiful outdoor location.

Event summary

7 Jul to 21 Jul 2024
10:00 to 11:00
+ 2 other dates or times

Mynegwch eich hun / Express yourself 

Cyflwyniad i baentio haniaethol / An introduction to abstract painting.

Event summary

10 Jul to 7 Aug 2024
10:30 to 15:30
+ 1 other date or time