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Hanner Tymor Hydref | October Half Term

Mae’r hydref yn amser gwych i ymweld â Chastell Penrhyn, lle mae digon i ddiddanu teuluoedd beth bynnag fo’r tywydd. Autumn is a wonderful time to visit Penrhyn Castle, where there’s plenty to keep families entertained whatever the weather.

  • Booking not needed
  • Admission applies

Ymunwch â ni yn ystod hanner tymor yr Hydref ym Mhenrhyn rhwng 19 Hydref i 3 Tachwedd am wythnos o hwyl a sbri i bawb! Mae diwedd mis Hydref yn nodi ‘Noswyl Calan Gaeaf, sef cynhaeaf traddodiadol Cymreig lle mae sawl traddodiad yn cael eu arsylwi a defodau yn cael eu harfer. Byddwn yn casglu ein cnydau cynhaeaf ac mae croeo i chi ymuno â ni yn yr gegin fwdlyd fel yr ydym yn paratoi tuag at yr tymor tywyllach. Ni fydd unrhyw ymweliad wedi’u gwblhau heb ymweld a’r gastell 19eg ganrif sydd gyda pensaernïaeth aruchel ac casgliad celf trawiadol. Darganfyddwrch ein arddangosfa ‘Ailfframio’ am yr tro olaf eleni, lle byddwch yn cael yr cyfle i weld paentiad Chwarel Penrhyn yn ogystal a’r stiwidio gadwraeth newydd, Tu Hwnt.

Join us during the October half term at Penrhyn between 19 October and 3 November for the perfect autumn adventure. The end of October marks ‘Noswyl Calan Gaeaf’, which is traditional Welsh harvest festival during which many traditions are observed, and rituals practiced. We will be gathering our crops, and you can join us in the mud kitchen as we prepare ahead for the darker season. No visit would be complete without exploring the early 19th century castle itself with its spectacular architecture and fine are collection. Explore our ‘Ailfframio’ exhibition for the final time this year in the Grand Hall and take a closer look at the Penrhyn Quarry painting or visit the brand-new Tu Hwnt conservation studio.



Event ticket prices

Ticket typeTicket category
Adult £15.00
Child £7.50
Check admission prices

The basics

Booking details

Call 01248 353084


Children welcome


Please note that there are steep steps in the garden. Please note that the walk from the car park to the castle is 10 minutes uphill.