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Sesiynau hwylio | Sailing sessions

Dewch i fwynhau’r golygfeydd godidog drwy hwylio a gweld Plas Newydd o ongl wahanol. **** Come and enjoy the stunning scenery through sailing and view Plas Newydd from a different angle.

  • Booking essential
  • Admission applies

Dewch i fwynhau’r golygfeydd godidog drwy hwylio a gweld Plas Newydd o ongl wahanol. Bydd pob sesiwn yn cael ei theilwra i’r grŵp ac amodau’r môr ar y diwrnod.

Cynhelir sesiynau cychod hwylio o Blas Newydd bob dydd Sul o 30 Mehefin - 29 Medi.

Y man cyfarfod yw y Pafiliwn Criced.

Mae dwy sesiwn y dydd yn para tua 2 awr yr un. Mae hyn yn cynnwys eich cyflwyniad a'ch briff diogelwch. Sicrhewch eich bod yn cyrraedd 30 munud cyn eich sesiwn.

Mae sesiwn yn costio £31.75 y pen. Bydd angen i chi archebu ymlaen llaw trwy'r system archebu lle telir am y sesiwn.

Sylwch, mae pris mynediad arferol yn berthnasol a bydd yn ychwanegol at gost y sesiwn.

Come and enjoy the stunning scenery through sailing and view Plas Newydd from a different angle. Each session will be tailored to the group and sea conditions on the day.

Sail boat sessions run from Plas Newydd every Sunday from 30 June – 29 September.

The meeting place is the Cricket Pavilion.

There are two sessions a day lasting approximately 2 hours each. This includes your introduction and safety briefing. Please ensure you turn up 30 minutes before your session.

A session costs £31.75 per person. You will need to book in advance via the booking system where payment for the session will be made.

Please note, normal admission price applies and will be in addition to the session cost.



Event ticket prices

Ticket typeTicket category
All £21.25
Check admission prices

The basics

Booking details

Call 0344 249 1895 Booking is essential due to limited numbers. Book via the website.


Minimum age is 8 and children under 18 must be with a parent / legal guardian

Meeting point

The meeting place is the Cricket Pavilion where the instructor will meet you to fill out the necessary forms.

What to bring and wear

You will need to wear comfortable clothes you don’t mind getting wet. Waterproofs are available. Wear sensible footwear with a sturdy sole (old trainers are perfect).


Each session will be tailored to the group and is designed for all abilities. If you have additional needs, please contact us in advance and we can work with the instructor to ensure the right equipment/support is available.


• It is approximately a 10 minute walk to the Menai Strait from the meeting point at the Cricket Pavilion • You will need to fill in a medical form and a permission form when you arrive on the day. All under 18s must have a permission form signed by a parent or legal guardian • There are no designated changing rooms or showers available at this location. There are toilets at the Old Dairy and down at the House.

Upcoming events


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Event summary

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09:00 to 10:30
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Event summary

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10:30 to 16:00
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Event summary

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19:00 to 22:00

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Event summary

7 Sep 2024
19:30 to 22:00