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Hanner tymor Hydref | October half term

Mae’r hydref yn amser gwych i ymweld â Phlas Newydd, lle mae digon i ddiddanu teuluoedd beth bynnag fo’r tywydd. **** Autumn is a wonderful time to visit Plas Newydd, where there’s plenty to keep families entertained whatever the weather.

  • Booking not needed
  • Free event (admission applies)

Sblasiwch yn y pyllau mwdlyd, rhedwch ar y ga chrensian drwy'r dail euraid wrth i chi ymlwybro draw i Goed y Llaethdy. Pwy a ŵyr - efallai y gwelwch chi wiwer goch ar eich tro. Ewch draw i gael antur yn yr ardal chwarae, gwneud pastai yn y gegin fwd, a pherfformio gyda'r drymiau pren.

Gwnewch amser i ymweld â'r tŷ rhestredig Gradd-I o'r 16eg ganrif. Edrychwch drwy'r ffenestri ac edmygwch liwiau trawiadol yr ardd y tu allan a'r golygfeydd anhygoel o'r Fenai ac Eryri y tu hwnt. Beth am roi pensil ar bapur a gadael i'ch creadigrwydd lifo drwy ysgrifennu cerdd neu greu braslun. Gwnewch eich hun yn gartrefol a dewch o hyd i gornel glud yn yr ystafell Octagon lle dewch o hyd i amrywiaeth o gemau bwrdd i'w mwynhau gyda theulu a ffrindiau.


Splash in muddy puddles, run on the grass and crunch through golden leaves as you make your way to Dairy Wood. You never know – a red squirrel might even cross your path along the way. Explore the play area, make a pie in the mud kitchen, and be a performer with the wooden drums. Make time to visit the Grade-I listed 16th century house. Look out of the windows and admire the vibrant colours of the garden outside and the stunning views of the Menai Strait and Eryri (Snowdonia) beyond. Put pencil to paper and get creative by writing a poem or sketching a picture. Make yourself at home and get comfy in The Octagon room where you will find a variety of board games to enjoy with friends and family.



Event ticket prices

This event is free, but normal admission charges apply for the venue.

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Upcoming events


Hamperi bwyd a diod ym Mhlas Newydd | Food and drink hampers at Plas Newydd 

Darganfyddwch ein hamperi bwyd a diod yn llawn danteithion melys a sawrus ar gyfer cyngerdd Proms yn y Parc y DU. **** Discover our food and drink hampers filled with sweet and savoury treats for the UK Proms in the Park concert.

Event summary

6 Sep to 7 Sep 2024
17:30 to 18:00
+ 1 other date or time

Cerddorfa anthem ddawns ym Mhlas Newydd | Dance Anthem Orchestra at Plas Newydd 

Ymunwch â ni am noson o gerddoriaeth a dawnsio dan y sêr ym Mhlas Newydd. **** Join us for music and dancing under the stars at Plas Newydd.

Event summary

6 Sep 2024
19:00 to 22:00

Y Proms DU yn y parc - Plas Newydd | The UK Proms in the Park - Plas Newydd 

Ymunwch â ni am noson o gerddoriaeth a dawnsio dan y sêr ym Mhlas Newydd. **** Join us for music and dancing under the stars at Plas Newydd.

Event summary

7 Sep 2024
19:30 to 22:00

Parkrun iau | Junior parkrun 

Os ydych eisiau cyfarfod ffrindiau newydd, neu rhoi cynnig ar rywbeth gwahanol, gallai Parkrun Iau fod yr union beth i chi. | Whether you want meet new friends, or want to try something different, Junior Parkrun could be just the thing for you.

Event summary

8 Sep 2024 to 26 Apr 2026
09:00 to 10:00
+ 85 other dates or times