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Perfformiadau yn yr ardd ym Mhlas Newydd | Performances in the garden at Plas Newydd

Dewch draw i weld perfformiadau gan Magic Light Productions yn yr ardd ym Mhlas Newydd | Come to see the performances by Magic Light Productions in the garden at Plas Newydd.

  • Booking not needed
  • Free event (admission applies)

Yr haf hwn, bydd gennym 10 perfformiad yn yr ardd yn adrodd hanes y 5ed Marcwis a’i amser ym Mhlas Newydd. Mae’r straeon hyn yn berfformiadau sy’n cynnwys dathliadau pen-blwydd, cynyrchiadau theatrig gan gynnwys 'Hugan Fach Goch' a’r Ddawns y Glöyn Byw. Cewch gyfle i ddilyn y cynhyrchiad hwn o amgylch yr ardd a gweld hanes y 5ed Ardalydd, a ddaeth â llawenydd i Blas Newydd.

Bydd y perfformiadau hyn ymlaen bob dydd Mawrth ym mis Awst, un am 11:30am ac un am 2:30pm yn para oddeutu 45 munud.


This summer, we will have 10 performances in the garden telling the story of the 5th Marquess and his time at Plas Newydd. These stories are performances that include birthday celebrations, theatrical productions including Little Red Riding Hood and the Butterfly Dance. You will get the chance to follow this production around the garden and see the story of the 5th Marquess, who brought joy to Plas Newydd.

These performances will be on every Tuesday in August, one at 11:30am and one at 2:30pm lasting approximately 45 minutes.



Event ticket prices

This event is free, but normal admission charges apply for the venue.

Check admission prices

Upcoming events


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Event summary

17 Jul 2024
10:30 to 16:00

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Event summary

20 Jul to 1 Sep 2024
10:30 to 16:00
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Event summary

21 Jul 2024 to 26 Apr 2026
09:00 to 10:30
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Event summary

21 Jul to 29 Sep 2024
11:00 to 13:00
+ 21 other dates or times