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Sesiynau caiacio ym Mhorth y Swnt | Kayaking sessions in Porth y Swnt

Diddordeb mewn sesiynau caiacio'r arfordir yn Aberdaron? | Interest in kayaking the coastline at Aberdaron?

  • Booking essential
  • Admission applies

Bydd y sesiynau caiacio rhagarweiniol yn rhedeg o draeth Aberdaron gan ddefnyddio caiacau eistedd ar ben sy'n hawdd eu padlo ac sy'n sefydlog iawn.

Bydd pob sesiwn yn cael ei theilwra i’r grŵp ac amodau’r môr ar y diwrnod.

Yn ystod y sesiwn byddwch yn cael eich arwain gan hyfforddwr caiacio cymwys a fydd yn darparu'r holl offer arbenigol i chi ac yn gofalu amdanoch trwy gydol eich antur.

Mae sesiwn yn costio £35 y pen. Gwneir taliad ar y diwrnod yng nghanolfan ymwelwyr Porth y Swnt sydd wedi’i lleoli wrth fynedfa maes parcio Aberdaron. Gellir talu gyda cherdyn neu arian parod.

These introductory kayaking sessions will run from Aberdaron beach using sit on top kayaks which are easy to paddle and are very stable. 

Each session will be tailored to the group and the sea conditions on the day.

During the session you will be led by a qualified kayaking coach who will provide you with all the specialist equipment and look after you throughout your adventure.

A session costs £35 per person. Payment is made on the day at Porth y Swnt visitor centre located at the entrance to the car park in Aberdaron. Payment can be made using card or cash.



Event ticket prices

Ticket typeTicket category
All £35.00
Check admission prices

The basics

Booking details

Call 01758 703810 Email ; booking is strongly advised.


Minimum age is 8 and children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

Meeting point

Canolfan ymwelwyr Porth y Swnt | Porth y Swnt visitor centre.

What to bring and wear

You will need to bring swimwear, towel and footwear with a sturdy sole (old trainers are perfect, wetsuit shoes are too flexible). Wetsuits, buoyancy aids, helmets, paddles and kayaks are provided.


Young paddlers may be best sharing one of the tandem kayaks with an adult for everyone to get the fullest experience on the day. The ability to swim is useful but not necessary, but a degree of confidence in the water can help especially on less calm days.


Bydd angen i chi lenwi ffurflen feddygol a ffurflen ganiatâd cyn y sesiwn. Bydd hwn yn cael ei e-bostio atoch ar adeg archebu. Rhaid i bob plentyn gael ffurflen ganiatâd wedi'i llofnodi gan riant neu warcheidwad cyfreithiol, naill ai cyn y sesiwn neu ar y diwrnod. You will need to fill in a medical form and a permission form before the session. This will be emailed to you at the time of booking. All children must have a permission form signed by a parent or legal guardian, either before the session or on the day.